Strong typing

In this chapter, we discuss the advantages of strong typing and how it can be used to avoid common implementation and maintenance issues.

Type-based security


This section was originally written by Yannick Moy and published as Gem #82: Type-Based Security 1 and Gem #83: Type-Based Security 2.

The notions of tainted data and trusted data usually refer to data coming from the user vs. data coming from the application. Tainting is viral, in that any result of a computation where one of the operands is tainted becomes tainted too.

Various C/C++ static analyzers provide checkers for tainted data that help find bugs where data from the user serves to compute the size of an allocation, so that an attacker could use this to trigger a buffer overflow leading to an Elevation of Privilege (EoP) attack.

In Ada, the compiler can provide the guarantee that no such bugs have been introduced by accident (although you can still bypass the rule if you really want to, for example by using Unchecked_Conversion or address clause overlays), provided different types are used for tainted and trusted data, with no run-time penalty. This can be done with many types of data, including basic types like integers.

Let's say tainted data is of an integer type. The basic idea is to derive the trusted type from the tainted one, and to provide a function Value to get to the raw data inside a trusted value, like the following:

package Taint is type Trusted_Value is new Integer; function Value (V : Trusted_Value) return Integer; pragma Inline (Value); end Taint;

Notice that the implementation of Value is just a type conversion:

package body Taint is function Value (V : Trusted_Value) return Integer is begin return Integer (V); end Value; end Taint;

Then, make sure the sensitive program uses trusted data:

with Taint; use Taint; procedure Sensitive (X : Trusted_Value) is begin null; -- Do something sensitive with value X end Sensitive;

Let's try to pass in data from the user to the sensitive program:

with Taint; with Sensitive; procedure Main is procedure Bad (Some_Value : Integer) is begin Sensitive (Some_Value); end Bad; A : Integer := 0; begin Bad (A); end Main;

The compiler returns with a type error.

Now, this does not prevent us from doing useful computations on trusted data as easily as on tainted data, including initialization with literals, case statements, array indexing, etc.

with Taint; use Taint; with Sensitive; procedure Main is Max_Value : constant := 100; X : Trusted_Value := Max_Value; begin X := X + 1; -- Perform any computations on X Sensitive (X); end Main;

Because Trusted_Value is a type derived from the tainted type (Integer), all operations allowed on tainted data are also allowed on trusted data, but operations mixing them are not allowed.

Be aware that nothing prevents the program itself from converting between tainted data and trusted data freely, but this requires inserting an explicit conversion, which can be spotted during code reviews.

To completely prevent such unintended conversions (say, to facilitate maintenance), the type used for trusted data must be made private, so that only the package which defines it can convert to and from it. With Trusted_Value being private, we should also provide a corresponding function for each literal which we used previously, as well as the operations that we'd like to allow on trusted values (note that for efficiency all operations could be inlined):

package Taint is type Trusted_Value is private; function Value (V : Trusted_Value) return Integer; function Trusted_1 return Trusted_Value; function Trusted_100 return Trusted_Value; function "+" (V, W : Trusted_Value) return Trusted_Value; private type Trusted_Value is new Integer; end Taint;

The new implementation is as expected:

package body Taint is function Value (V : Trusted_Value) return Integer is begin return Integer (V); end Value; function Trusted_1 return Trusted_Value is begin return 1; end Trusted_1; function Trusted_100 return Trusted_Value is begin return 100; end Trusted_100; function "+" (V, W : Trusted_Value) return Trusted_Value is begin return Trusted_Value (Integer (V) + Integer (W)); end "+"; end Taint;

Of course, the client now needs to be adapted to this new interface:

with Taint; use Taint; procedure Sensitive (X : Trusted_Value);
procedure Sensitive (X : Trusted_Value) is begin -- Missing implementation! null; end Sensitive;
with Taint; use Taint; with Sensitive; procedure Good is X : Trusted_Value := Trusted_100; begin X := X + Trusted_1; -- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ -- Perform any computations on X Sensitive (X); end Good;

That's it! No errors can result in tainted data being accidentally passed by the user where trusted data is expected, and future maintainers of the code won't be tempted to insert conversions when the compiler complains.

Input validation consists of checking a set of properties on the input which guarantee it is well-formed. This usually involves excluding a set of ill-formed inputs (black-list) or matching the input against an exhaustive set of well-formed patterns (white-list).

Here, we consider the task of validating an input for inclusion in an SQL command. This is a well-known defense against SQL injection attacks, where an attacker passes in a specially crafted string that is interpreted as a command rather than a plain string when executing the initial SQL command.

The basic idea is to define a new type SQL_Input derived from type String. Function Validate checks that the input is properly validated and fails if not. Function Valid_String returns the raw data inside a validated string, as follows:

package Inputs is type SQL_Input is new String; function Validate (Input : String) return SQL_Input; function Valid_String (Input : SQL_Input) return String; end Inputs;

The implementation of Validate simply checks that the input string does not contain a dangerous character before returning it as an SQL_Input, while Valid_String is a simple type conversion:

with Ada.Strings.Fixed; use Ada.Strings.Fixed; with Ada.Strings.Maps; use Ada.Strings.Maps; package body Inputs is Dangerous_Characters : constant Character_Set := To_Set ("""*^';&><</"); function Validate (Input : String) return SQL_Input is begin if Index (Input, Dangerous_Characters) /= 0 then raise Constraint_Error with "Invalid input " & Input & " for an SQL query "; else return SQL_Input (Input); end if; end Validate; function Valid_String (Input : SQL_Input) return String is begin return String (Input); end Valid_String; end Inputs;

Now, this does not prevent future uses of such type conversions in the program, whether malicious or unintended. To guard against such possibilities, we must make type SQL_Input private. To make sure we do not ourselves inadvertently convert an input string into a valid one in the implementation of package Inputs, we use this opportunity to make SQL_Input a discriminated record parameterized by the validation status.

with Ada.Strings.Unbounded; use Ada.Strings.Unbounded; package Inputs is type SQL_Input (<>) is private; function Validate (Input : String) return SQL_Input; function Valid_String (Input : SQL_Input) return String; function Is_Valid (Input : SQL_Input) return Boolean; private type SQL_Input (Validated : Boolean) is record case Validated is when True => Valid_Input : Unbounded_String; when False => Raw_Input : Unbounded_String; end case; end record; end Inputs;

Each time we access field Valid_Input, a discriminant check will be performed to ensure that the operand of type SQL_Input has been validated. Observe the use of Unbounded_String for the type of the input component, which is more convenient and flexible than using a constrained string.

Note in the implementation of Validate, that instead of raising an exception when the string cannot be validated, as in the first implementation, here we create corresponding validated or invalid input values based on the result of the check against dangerous characters. Also, an Is_Valid function has been added to allow clients to query validity of an SQL_Input value.

with Ada.Strings.Fixed; use Ada.Strings.Fixed; with Ada.Strings.Maps; use Ada.Strings.Maps; package body Inputs is Dangerous_Characters : constant Character_Set := To_Set ("""*^';&><</"); function Validate (Input : String) return SQL_Input is Local_Input : constant Unbounded_String := To_Unbounded_String (Input); begin if Index (Input, Dangerous_Characters) /= 0 then return (Validated => False, Raw_Input => Local_Input); else return (Validated => True, Valid_Input => Local_Input); end if; end Validate; function Valid_String (Input : SQL_Input) return String is begin return To_String (Input.Valid_Input); end Valid_String; function Is_Valid (Input : SQL_Input) return Boolean is begin return Input.Validated; end Is_Valid; end Inputs;

That's it! As long as this interface is used, no errors can result in improper input being interpreted as a command, while ensuring that future maintainers of the code won't inadvertently be able to insert inappropriate conversions.

Of course, this minimal interface does not really provide anything other than the validation of the input. Simply having an Is_Valid function to tell whether a string is valid input data would seem to give you much the same functionality. However, you can now safely extend this package with additional capabilities, such as transformations on valid SQL inputs (for example, to optimize queries before sending them to the database), or to resolve queries faster using a local cache, and so forth. By using the private encapsulation, you are guaranteed that no client package will tamper with the validity of the SQL inputs you are manipulating.

Incidentally, the similar but distinct problem of input sanitization, where possibly invalid data is transformed into something that is known valid prior to use, can be handled in the same way.

Example: Table access

In this section, we discuss an application that accesses a two-dimensional table. We first look into a typical implementation, and then discuss how to improve it with better use of strong typing.

Typical implementation

Let's look at an application that declares a two-dimensional lookup table, retrieves a value from it an displays this value.

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; procedure Show_Tab_Access is Tab : array (1 .. 5, 1 .. 10) of Float := ((0.50, 0.73, 0.22, 0.66, 0.64, 0.20, 0.73, 0.22, 0.66, 0.64), (0.60, 0.23, 0.56, 0.27, 0.72, 0.36, 0.27, 0.18, 0.18, 0.08), (0.20, 0.56, 0.74, 0.43, 0.72, 0.19, 0.46, 0.45, 0.25, 0.49), (0.75, 0.88, 0.29, 0.08, 0.17, 0.96, 0.23, 0.83, 0.89, 0.97), (0.18, 0.97, 0.82, 0.86, 0.96, 0.24, 0.84, 0.83, 0.14, 0.26)); X, Y : Positive; V : Float; begin X := 1; Y := 5; V := Tab (X, Y); Put_Line (Float'Image (V)); end Show_Tab_Access;

In this application, we use X and Y as indices to access the Tab table. We store the value in V and display it.

In principle, there is nothing wrong with this implementation. Also, we're already making use of strong typing here, since accessing an invalid position of the array (say Tab (6, 25)) raises an exception. However, in this application, we're assuming that X always refers to the first dimension, while Y refers to the second dimension. What happens, however, if we write Tab (Y, X)? In the application above, this would still work because Tab (5, 1) is in the table's range. Even though this works fine here, it's not the expected behavior. In the next section, we'll look into strategies to make better use of strong typing to avoid this problem.

One could argue that the problem we've just described doesn't happen to competent developers, who are expected to be careful. While this might be true for the simple application we're discussing here, complex systems can be much more complicated to understand: they might include multiple tables and multiple indices for example. In this case, even competent developers might make use of wrong indices to access tables. Fortunately, Ada provides means to avoid this problem.

Using stronger typing

In the example above, we make use of the Positive type, which is already a constrained type: we're avoiding accessing the Tab table using an index with negative values or zero. But we still may use indices that are out-of-range in the positive range, or switch the indices, as in the Tab (Y, X) example we mentioned previously. These problems can be avoided by defining range types for each dimension. This is the updated implementation:

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; procedure Show_Tab_Access is type X_Range is range 1 .. 5; type Y_Range is range 1 .. 10; Tab : array (X_Range, Y_Range) of Float := ((0.50, 0.73, 0.22, 0.66, 0.64, 0.20, 0.73, 0.22, 0.66, 0.64), (0.60, 0.23, 0.56, 0.27, 0.72, 0.36, 0.27, 0.18, 0.18, 0.08), (0.20, 0.56, 0.74, 0.43, 0.72, 0.19, 0.46, 0.45, 0.25, 0.49), (0.75, 0.88, 0.29, 0.08, 0.17, 0.96, 0.23, 0.83, 0.89, 0.97), (0.18, 0.97, 0.82, 0.86, 0.96, 0.24, 0.84, 0.83, 0.14, 0.26)); X : X_Range; Y : Y_Range; V : Float; begin X := 1; Y := 5; V := Tab (X, Y); Put_Line (Float'Image (V)); end Show_Tab_Access;

Now, we not only avoid mistakes like Tab (Y, X), but we also detect them at compile time! This might decrease development time, since we don't need to run the application in order to check for those issues.

Also, maintenance becomes easier as well. Because we're explicitly stating the allowed ranges for X and Y, developers can know how to avoid constraint issues when accessing the Tab table. We're also formally indicating the expected behavior. For example, because we declare X to be of X_Range type, and that type is used in the first dimension of Tab, we're documenting — using the syntax of the Ada language — that X is supposed to be used to access the first dimension of Tab. Based on this information, developers that need to maintain this application can immediately identify the purpose of X and use the variable accordingly.

Example: Multiple indices

In this section, we discuss another example where the use of strong typing is relevant. Let's consider an application with the following requirements:

  • The application receives the transmission of chunks of information.

    • Each chunk contains two floating-point coefficients.

    • Also, these chunks are received out of order, so that the chunk itself includes an index indicating its position in an ordered array.

  • The application also receives a list of indices for the ordered array of chunks. This list — a so-called selector — is used to select two chunks from the array of ordered chunks.

  • Due to external constraints, the application shall use the unordered array; creating an array of ordered chunks shall be avoided.

    • A function that returns an ordered array of chunks shall be available for testing purposes only.

    • A function that returns the selected chunks shall be available for testing purposes only.

    • A function that returns a mapping from the index of ordered chunks to the index of unordered chunks must be available.

For example, consider the following picture containing input chunks and a selector:

digraph {
    node [shape=plaintext, fontcolor=black, fontsize=18];

    "Selector:" [fontcolor=brown]
    "Chunks:"   [fontcolor=brown]

    "Selector:" -> "Mapping:" -> "Selected chunks:" ->
        "Chunks:" -> "Ordered chunks:" [color=white];

    node [shape=record,
        height=0.75, width=6.00,
        fontcolor=black, fontsize=12, fixedsize=true];

    chunks [
        label="{ <j1> v1=0.70 | v2=0.72 | <i1> idx=3} |\
               { <j2> v1=0.20 | v2=0.15 | <i2> idx=1} |\
               { <j3> v1=0.40 | v2=0.74 | <i3> idx=2} |\
               { <j4> v1=0.80 | v2=0.26 | <i4> idx=4}",
        fillcolor=gray95, style=filled];

    ord_chunks [
        label="{ <i1> v1=0.20 | v2=0.15 | idx=1} |\
               { <i2> v1=0.40 | v2=0.74 | idx=2} |\
               { <i3> v1=0.70 | v2=0.72 | idx=3} |\
               { <i4> v1=0.80 | v2=0.26 | idx=4}",
        fillcolor=lightgrey, style=filled];

    sel_chunks [
        label="{ <j1> v1=0.40 | v2=0.74 | <i1> idx=2 } |\
               { <j2> v1=0.70 | v2=0.72 | <i2> idx=3 }",
        fillcolor=lightgrey, style=filled];

    mapping [
        label="<i1> 2 | <i2> 3 | <i3> 1 | <i4> 4",
        fillcolor=lightgrey, style=filled];

    selector [
        label="<i1> 2 | <i2> 3",
        fillcolor=gray95, style=filled];

    { rank=same; "Chunks:";             chunks      }
    { rank=same; "Ordered chunks:";     ord_chunks  }
    { rank=same; "Mapping:";            mapping     }
    { rank=same; "Selector:";           selector    }
    { rank=same; "Selected chunks:";    sel_chunks  }

    chunks:i1   -> ord_chunks:i3    [color=darkgoldenrod]
    chunks:i2   -> ord_chunks:i1    [color=darkgoldenrod]
    chunks:i3   -> ord_chunks:i2    [color=darkgoldenrod]
    chunks:i4   -> ord_chunks:i4    [color=darkgoldenrod]

    selector:i1 -> mapping:i2       [color=lightgrey]
    selector:i2 -> mapping:i3       [color=lightgrey]

    mapping:i3  -> chunks:j1        [color=lightblue]
    mapping:i2  -> chunks:j3        [color=lightblue]

    chunks:j3   -> sel_chunks:i1    [color=dodgerblue4]
    chunks:j1   -> sel_chunks:i2    [color=dodgerblue4]

By using the mapping, we can select the correct chunks from the input (unordered) chunks. Also, we may create an array of ordered chunks for testing purposes.

Let's skip the discussion whether the design used in this application is good or not and assume that all requirements listed above are set on stone and can't be changed.

Typical implementation

This is a typical specification of the main package:

package Indirect_Ordering is type Chunk is record V1 : Float; V2 : Float; Idx : Positive; end record; type Selector is array (1 .. 2) of Positive; type Mapping is array (Positive range <>) of Positive; type Chunks is array (Positive range <>) of Chunk; function Get_Mapping (C : Chunks) return Mapping; end Indirect_Ordering;
package body Indirect_Ordering is function Get_Mapping (C : Chunks) return Mapping is begin return Map : Mapping (C'Range) do for J in C'Range loop Map (C (J).Idx) := J; end loop; end return; end Get_Mapping; end Indirect_Ordering;

And this is a typical specification of the Test child package:

package Indirect_Ordering.Test is function Get_Ordered_Chunks (C : Chunks) return Chunks; function Get_Selected_Chunks (C : Chunks; S : Selector) return Chunks; end Indirect_Ordering.Test;
package body Indirect_Ordering.Test is function Get_Ordered_Chunks (C : Chunks) return Chunks is Map : constant Mapping := Get_Mapping (C); begin return OC : Chunks (C'Range) do for I in OC'Range loop OC (I) := C (Map (I)); end loop; end return; end Get_Ordered_Chunks; function Get_Selected_Chunks (C : Chunks; S : Selector) return Chunks is Map : constant Mapping := Get_Mapping (C); begin return SC : Chunks (S'Range) do for I in S'Range loop SC (I) := C (Map (S (I))); end loop; end return; end Get_Selected_Chunks; end Indirect_Ordering.Test;

Note that the information transmitted to the application might be inconsistent due to errors in the transmission channel. For example, the information from Idx (Chunk record) might be wrong. In a real-world application, we should deal with those transmission errors. However, for the discussion in this section, these problems are not crucial, so that we can simplify the implementation by skipping error handling.

Let's finally look at a test application that makes use of the package we've just implemented. In order to simplify the discussion, we'll initialize the array containing the unordered chunks and the selector directly in the application instead of receiving input data from an external source.

with Indirect_Ordering; use Indirect_Ordering; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; procedure Show_Indirect_Ordering is function Init_Chunks return Chunks is C : Chunks (1 .. 4); begin C (1) := (V1 => 0.70, V2 => 0.72, Idx => 3); C (2) := (V1 => 0.20, V2 => 0.15, Idx => 1); C (3) := (V1 => 0.40, V2 => 0.74, Idx => 2); C (4) := (V1 => 0.80, V2 => 0.26, Idx => 4); return C; end Init_Chunks; C : Chunks := Init_Chunks; S : constant Selector := (2, 3); M : constant Mapping := Get_Mapping (C); begin -- Loop over selector using original chunks for I in S'Range loop declare C1 : Chunk := C (M (S (I))); begin Put_Line ("Selector #" & Positive'Image (I) & ": V1 = " & Float'Image (C1.V1)); end; end loop; New_Line; end Show_Indirect_Ordering;

In this line of the test application, we retrieve the chunk using the index from the selector:

C1 : Chunk := C (M (S (I)));

Because C contains the unordered chunks and the index from S refers to the ordered chunks, we need to map between the ordered index and the unordered index. This is achieved by the mapping stored in M.

If we'd use the ordered array of chunks, we could use the index from S directly, as illustrated in the following procedure:

with Indirect_Ordering; use Indirect_Ordering; with Indirect_Ordering.Test; use Indirect_Ordering.Test; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; procedure Display_Ordered_Chunk (C : Chunks; S : Selector) is OC : Chunks := Get_Ordered_Chunks (C); begin -- Loop over selector using ordered chunks for I in S'Range loop declare C1 : Chunk := OC (S (I)); begin Put_Line ("Selector #" & Positive'Image (I) & ": V1 = " & Float'Image (C1.V1)); end; end loop; New_Line; end Display_Ordered_Chunk;

In this relatively simple application, we're already dealing with 3 indices:

  • The index of the unordered chunks.

  • The index of the ordered chunks.

  • The index of the selector array.

The use of the wrong index to access an array can be a common source of issues. This becomes even more problematic when the application is extended and new features are implemented: the amount of arrays might increase and developers need to be especially careful not to use the wrong index.

For example, a mistake that developers can make when using the package above is to skip the mapping and access the array of unordered chunks directly with the index from the selector — i.e. C (S (I)) in the test application above. Detecting this mistake requires extensive testing and debugging, since both the array of unordered chunks and the array of ordered chunks have the same range, so the corresponding indices can be used interchangeably without raising constraint exceptions, even though the behavior is not correct. Fortunately, we can use Ada's strong typing to detect such issues in an early stage of the development.

Using stronger typing

In the previous implementation, we basically used the Positive type for all indices. We can, however, declare individual types for each index of the application. This is the updated specification of the main package:

package Indirect_Ordering is type Chunk_Index is new Positive; type Ord_Chunk_Index is new Chunk_Index; type Chunk is record V1 : Float; V2 : Float; Idx : Ord_Chunk_Index; end record; type Selector_Index is range 1 .. 2; type Selector is array (Selector_Index) of Ord_Chunk_Index; type Mapping is array (Ord_Chunk_Index range <>) of Chunk_Index; type Chunks is array (Chunk_Index range <>) of Chunk; function Get_Mapping (C : Chunks) return Mapping; end Indirect_Ordering;

By declaring these new types, we can avoid using the wrong index. Moreover, we're documenting — using the syntax provided by the language — which index is expected in each array or function from the package. This allows for better understanding of the package specification and makes maintenance easier, as well as it helps when implementing new features for the package.

This is the updated specification of the Test child package:

package Indirect_Ordering.Test is pragma Assertion_Policy (Dynamic_Predicate => Check); type Ord_Chunks is array (Ord_Chunk_Index range <>) of Chunk with Dynamic_Predicate => (for all I in Ord_Chunks'Range => Ord_Chunks (I).Idx = I); type Sel_Chunks is array (Selector_Index) of Chunk; function Get_Ordered_Chunks (C : Chunks) return Ord_Chunks; function Get_Selected_Chunks (C : Chunks; S : Selector) return Sel_Chunks; end Indirect_Ordering.Test;

Note that we also declared a separate type for the array of ordered chunks: Ord_Chunks. This is needed because the arrays uses a different index (Ord_Chunk_Index) and therefore can't be the same type as Chunks. For the same reason, we declared a separate type for the array of selected chunks: Sel_Chunks.

As a side note, we're now able to include a Dynamic_Predicate to Ord_Chunks that verifies that the index stored in the each chunk matches the corresponding index of its position in the ordered array.

We also had to add a new private package that includes a function that retrieves the range of an array of Chunk type — which are of Chunk_Index type — and converts the range using the Ord_Chunk_Index type.

private package Indirect_Ordering.Cnvt is type Ord_Chunk_Range is record First : Ord_Chunk_Index; Last : Ord_Chunk_Index; end record; function Get_Ord_Chunk_Range (C : Chunks) return Ord_Chunk_Range is ((Ord_Chunk_Index (C'First), Ord_Chunk_Index (C'Last))); end Indirect_Ordering.Cnvt;

This is needed for example in the Get_Mapping function, which has to deal with indices of these two types. Although this makes the code a little bit more verbose, it helps documenting the expected types in that function.

This is the corresponding update to the body of the main package:

with Indirect_Ordering.Cnvt; use Indirect_Ordering.Cnvt; package body Indirect_Ordering is function Get_Mapping (C : Chunks) return Mapping is R : constant Ord_Chunk_Range := Get_Ord_Chunk_Range (C); begin return Map : Mapping (R.First .. R.Last) do for J in C'Range loop Map (C (J).Idx) := J; end loop; end return; end Get_Mapping; end Indirect_Ordering;

This is the corresponding update to the body of the Test child package:

with Indirect_Ordering.Cnvt; use Indirect_Ordering.Cnvt; package body Indirect_Ordering.Test is function Get_Ordered_Chunks (C : Chunks) return Ord_Chunks is Map : constant Mapping := Get_Mapping (C); R : constant Ord_Chunk_Range := Get_Ord_Chunk_Range (C); begin return OC : Ord_Chunks (R.First .. R.Last) do for I in OC'Range loop OC (I) := C (Map (I)); end loop; end return; end Get_Ordered_Chunks; function Get_Selected_Chunks (C : Chunks; S : Selector) return Sel_Chunks is Map : constant Mapping := Get_Mapping (C); begin return SC : Sel_Chunks do for I in S'Range loop SC (I) := C (Map (S (I))); end loop; end return; end Get_Selected_Chunks; end Indirect_Ordering.Test;

This is the updated test application:

with Indirect_Ordering; use Indirect_Ordering; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; procedure Show_Indirect_Ordering is function Init_Chunks return Chunks is C : Chunks (1 .. 4); begin C (1) := (V1 => 0.70, V2 => 0.72, Idx => 3); C (2) := (V1 => 0.20, V2 => 0.15, Idx => 1); C (3) := (V1 => 0.40, V2 => 0.74, Idx => 2); C (4) := (V1 => 0.80, V2 => 0.26, Idx => 4); return C; end Init_Chunks; C : Chunks := Init_Chunks; S : constant Selector := (2, 3); M : constant Mapping := Get_Mapping (C); begin -- Loop over selector using original chunks for I in S'Range loop declare C1 : Chunk := C (M (S (I))); begin Put_Line ("Selector #" & Selector_Index'Image (I) & ": V1 = " & Float'Image (C1.V1)); end; end loop; New_Line; end Show_Indirect_Ordering;

Apart from minor changes, the test application is basically still the same. However, if we now change the following line:

C1 : Chunk := C (M (S (I)));


C1 : Chunk := C (S (I));

The compiler will gives us an error, telling us that it expected the Chunk_Index type, but found the Ord_Chunk_Index instead. By using Ada's strong typing, we're detecting issues at compile time instead of having to rely on extensive testing and debugging to detect them. Basically, this eliminates a whole category of potential bugs and reduces development time. At the same time, we're improving the documentation of the source-code and facilitating further improvements to the application.


Relevant topics

  • discriminants in the context of strong typing


Complete section!