
Mapping of Definite and Indefinite Subtypes

Earlier on, we had a discussion about definite and indefinite subtypes. In this section, we look into formal definite and indefinite types and how those types are mapped.

We can distinguish between the definite and indefinite version of many formal types. For example, consider the simple formal type type T is private, which is the definite version of a formal nonlimited private type. The indefinite version of this formal type is type T (<>) is private. Here, the syntax (<>) is used to distinguish the indefinite form from the definite form.

Let's create a generic package using the definite form of the formal nonlimited private type and map an actual data type to it:

generic type T is private; package Definite_Formal_Type_Example is Dummy : T; end Definite_Formal_Type_Example;
with Definite_Formal_Type_Example; package Show_Map_To_Definite_Formal_Type is type Null_Record is null record; package Map_Definite_Type is new Definite_Formal_Type_Example (T => Null_Record); end Show_Map_To_Definite_Formal_Type;

We can map any nonlimited, definite type to the type T above. However, we cannot map indefinite types to it:

with Definite_Formal_Type_Example; package Show_Map_To_Definite_Formal_Type is type Simple_Record (Extended : Boolean) is record V : Integer; case Extended is when False => null; when True => V_Float : Float; end case; end record; package Map_Indefinite_Type is new Definite_Formal_Type_Example (T => Simple_Record); -- ERROR: trying to map an indefinite type -- to a formal definite type! end Show_Map_To_Definite_Formal_Type;

When we try to compile this example, we get a compilation error at the declaration of the Map_Indefinite_Type package. We could solve this problem by changing type T to a formal indefinite type, for example:

generic type T (<>) is private; package Indefinite_Formal_Type_Example is function Dummy (Unused : T) return Boolean is (True); end Indefinite_Formal_Type_Example;
with Indefinite_Formal_Type_Example; package Show_Map_To_Indefinite_Formal_Type is type Simple_Record (Extended : Boolean) is record V : Integer; case Extended is when False => null; when True => V_Float : Float; end case; end record; package Map_Indefinite_Type is new Indefinite_Formal_Type_Example (T => Simple_Record); end Show_Map_To_Indefinite_Formal_Type;

Now, we don't get a compilation error because type T allows us to map an indefinite type. Note that we could still map a definite type to type T. For example:

with Indefinite_Formal_Type_Example; package Show_Map_To_Indefinite_Formal_Type is type Null_Record is null record; package Map_Definite_Type is new Indefinite_Formal_Type_Example (T => Null_Record); end Show_Map_To_Indefinite_Formal_Type;

In other words, we can map any nonlimited type — indefinite or definite — to a formal indefinite nonlimited private type.

Many instances of formal types have an indefinite and a definite version. Here are a few examples:

  • Formal limited private type:

    • Definite version: type T is limited private

    • Indefinite version: type T (<>) is limited private

  • Tagged private type:

    • Definite version: type T is tagged private

    • Indefinite version: type T (<>) is tagged private

  • Abstract tagged limited private type:

    • Definite version: type T is abstract tagged limited private

    • Indefinite version: type T (<>) is abstract tagged limited private

Appendix A of the Introduction to Ada course provides a detailed list of formal types and their variations.

Note that, instead of just using a formal indefinite nonlimited private type, we could be more specific about the discriminants that we use for type T. Consider the following example:

generic type T (B : Boolean) is private; package Formal_Type_Discriminants_Example is function Dummy (Unused : T) return Boolean is (True); end Formal_Type_Discriminants_Example;
with Formal_Type_Discriminants_Example; package Show_Map_To_Formal_Type_With_Discrimants is type Simple_Record (Extended : Boolean) is record V : Integer; case Extended is when False => null; when True => V_Float : Float; end case; end record; type Integer_Array is array (Positive range <>) of Integer; type Simple_Record_2 (Last : Integer) is record A : Integer_Array (1 .. Last); end record; type Null_Record is null record; package Map_Boolean_Discriminant is new Formal_Type_Discriminants_Example (T => Simple_Record); end Show_Map_To_Formal_Type_With_Discrimants;

Here, we replaced (<>) by (B : Boolean) in the declaration of type T. This means that, now, we can only map indefinite types with that specific list of discriminants. For example, we cannot map the following types:

with Formal_Type_Discriminants_Example; package Show_Map_To_Formal_Type_With_Discrimants is type Integer_Array is array (Positive range <>) of Integer; type Simple_Record_2 (Last : Integer) is record A : Integer_Array (1 .. Last); end record; type Null_Record is null record; package Map_Type_With_Integer_Discriminant is new Formal_Type_Discriminants_Example (T => Simple_Record_2); package Map_Definite_Type is new Formal_Type_Discriminants_Example (T => Null_Record); end Show_Map_To_Formal_Type_With_Discrimants;

The compilation of this example fails as expected because, as soon as we specify a list of discriminants for a formal type, we can only map actual types that have the exact same discriminants. We cannot use a type with a different set of discriminants — as in the declaration of Map_Type_With_Integer_Discriminant — nor a definite type — as in the declaration of Map_Definite_Type.

Formal incomplete types

A formal incomplete type has the following syntax:

generic type Formal_Incomplete; package Using_Formal_Incomplete with Pure is end Using_Formal_Incomplete;

We can use them to map incomplete types when instantiating generic packages or subprograms. For example:

with Using_Formal_Incomplete; package Show_Inst_Formal_Incomplete is type R; package R_Pkg is new Using_Formal_Incomplete (R); type R is record I : Integer; end record; end Show_Inst_Formal_Incomplete;

As we've seen before, incomplete types are rather restricted in terms of usage. Therefore, formal incomplete types are typically used in conjunction with other generic packages or subprograms. We explain later how to use them to create signature packages.

A formal incomplete type can also be tagged:

  type Incomplete_Tagged is tagged;
package Dummy;

Let's see an example:

generic type Incomplete_Tagged is tagged; with function Test (V : Incomplete_Tagged) return Boolean; package Formal_Incomplete_Tagged_Type_Example is procedure Perform_Test (I : Incomplete_Tagged); end Formal_Incomplete_Tagged_Type_Example;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; package body Formal_Incomplete_Tagged_Type_Example is procedure Perform_Test (I : Incomplete_Tagged) is begin if Test (I) then Put_Line ("Test passed!"); else Put_Line ("Test failed!"); end if; end Perform_Test; end Formal_Incomplete_Tagged_Type_Example;

Note that this example only compiles because Incomplete_Tagged is tagged. If it was an untagged formal incomplete type, we wouldn't be allowed to call the Test function in the body of Perform_Test. This is possible, however, with tagged formal incomplete types — as well as with other kinds of formal types.

Formal packages

Abstracting definitions into packages

In this section and in the next ones, we will reuse the generic reversing algorithm that we discussed in the chapter about generics from the introductory course.

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; procedure Test_Reverse_Colors is generic type T is private; type Index is range <>; type Array_T is array (Index range <>) of T; procedure Generic_Reverse_Array (X : in out Array_T); procedure Generic_Reverse_Array (X : in out Array_T) is begin for I in X'First .. (X'Last + X'First) / 2 loop declare Tmp : T; X_Left : T renames X (I); X_Right : T renames X (X'Last + X'First - I); begin Tmp := X_Left; X_Left := X_Right; X_Right := Tmp; end; end loop; end Generic_Reverse_Array; type Color is (Black, Red, Green, Blue, White); type Color_Array is array (Integer range <>) of Color; procedure Reverse_Color_Array is new Generic_Reverse_Array (T => Color, Index => Integer, Array_T => Color_Array); My_Colors : Color_Array (1 .. 5) := (Black, Red, Green, Blue, White); begin for C of My_Colors loop Put_Line ("My_Color: " & Color'Image (C)); end loop; New_Line; Put_Line ("Reversing My_Color..."); New_Line; Reverse_Color_Array (My_Colors); for C of My_Colors loop Put_Line ("My_Color: " & Color'Image (C)); end loop; end Test_Reverse_Colors;

In that example, we were declaring three formal types for the Generic_Reverse_Array procedure: a type T, a range Index and the array type Array_T. However, we could abstract the array definition into a separate package and reuse it for the generic procedure. This could be potentially useful in case we want to create more generic procedures for the same array.

In order to achieve this, we start by first specifying a generic package that contains the generic array type definition:

generic type T is private; type Index is range <>; package Simple_Generic_Array_Pkg is type Array_T is array (Index range <>) of T; end Simple_Generic_Array_Pkg;

As you can see, this definition is the same that we've seen in the previous section: we just moved it into a separate package. Now, we have a definition of Array_T that can be reused in multiple places.

The next step is to reuse the Simple_Generic_Array_Pkg package in the Generic_Reverse_Array procedure. By doing this, we can eliminate the declaration of the Index and Array_T types that we had before, since the definition will come from the Simple_Generic_Array_Pkg package.

In order to reuse the Simple_Generic_Array_Pkg package in the Generic_Reverse_Array procedure, we need to use a formal package parameter in the form:

with package P is new Simple_Generic_Array_Pkg(<params>)

This will allow us to reuse definitions from the generic package.

This is the updated version of the our test application for the reversing algorithm:

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Simple_Generic_Array_Pkg; procedure Test_Reverse_Colors_Simple_Pkg is generic type T is private; with package P is new Simple_Generic_Array_Pkg (T => T, others => <>); procedure Reverse_Array (X : in out P.Array_T); procedure Reverse_Array (X : in out P.Array_T) is use P; begin for I in X'First .. (X'Last + X'First) / 2 loop declare Tmp : T; X_Left : T renames X (I); X_Right : T renames X (X'Last + X'First - I); begin Tmp := X_Left; X_Left := X_Right; X_Right := Tmp; end; end loop; end Reverse_Array; type Color is (Black, Red, Green, Blue, White); package Color_Pkg is new Simple_Generic_Array_Pkg (T => Color, Index => Integer); procedure Reverse_Color_Array is new Reverse_Array (T => Color, P => Color_Pkg); My_Colors : Color_Pkg.Array_T (1 .. 5) := (Black, Red, Green, Blue, White); begin for C of My_Colors loop Put_Line ("My_Color: " & Color'Image (C)); end loop; New_Line; Put_Line ("Reversing My_Color..."); New_Line; Reverse_Color_Array (My_Colors); for C of My_Colors loop Put_Line ("My_Color: " & Color'Image (C)); end loop; end Test_Reverse_Colors_Simple_Pkg;

In this example, we're first instantiating the Simple_Generic_Array_Pkg package, thereby creating the Color_Pkg package. We then proceed to use this Color_Pkg package in the instantiation of the generic Reverse_Array procedure. Also, in the declaration of the My_Colors array, we make use of the array type definition from the Color_Pkg package.

Formal package parametrization

Note that we're using partial parametrization for the formal package parameter P in the previous example. Partial parametrization makes use of others => <> to indicate that the generic declaration takes the definitions from the package argument provided in the generic instantiation:

with Simple_Generic_Array_Pkg; package Show_Partial_Parametrization is generic type T is private; with package P is new Simple_Generic_Array_Pkg (T => T, others => <>); procedure Reverse_Array (X : in out P.Array_T); end Show_Partial_Parametrization;

For the previous example, the definitions come from the declarations of the Color_Pkg package:

A complete parametrization, in constrast, contains the definition of all types in the generic declaration. For example:

with Simple_Generic_Array_Pkg; package Show_Complete_Parametrization is generic type T is private; type Index is range <>; with package P is new Simple_Generic_Array_Pkg (T => T, Index => Index); procedure Reverse_Array (X : in out P.Array_T); end Show_Complete_Parametrization;

Another approach is to take all definitions from the formal package parameter:

with Simple_Generic_Array_Pkg; package Show_Box_Parameter is generic with package P is new Simple_Generic_Array_Pkg (<>); procedure Reverse_Array (X : in out P.Array_T); end Show_Box_Parameter;

In this case, package P contains all type and subprogram definitions that are used by the generic Reverse_Array procedure. By using the box syntax (<>), we indicate that we make use of all definitions from the formal package parameter.

Abstracting procedures into packages

In the previous example, we moved the array type definition into a separate package, but left the generic procedure (Reverse_Array) in the test application. We could also move the generic procedure into the generic package:

generic type T is private; type Index is range <>; package Generic_Array_Pkg is type Array_T is array (Index range <>) of T; procedure Reverse_Array (X : in out Array_T); end Generic_Array_Pkg;

The advantage of this approach is that we don't need to repeat the formal declaration for the Reverse_Array procedure. Also, this simplifies the instantiation in the test application.

However, the disadvantage of this approach is that it also increases code size: every instantiation of the generic package generates code for each subprogram from the package. Also, compilation time tends to increase significantly. Therefore, developers must be careful when considering this approach.

Because we have a procedure declaration in the generic package, we need a corresponding package body. Here, we can simply reuse the existing code and move the procedure into the package body. In the test application, we just instantiate the Generic_Array_Pkg package and make use of the array type (Array_T) and the procedure (Reverse_Array):

Color_Pkg.Reverse_Array (My_Colors);

This is the generic package body:

package body Generic_Array_Pkg is procedure Reverse_Array (X : in out Array_T) is begin for I in X'First .. (X'Last + X'First) / 2 loop declare Tmp : T; X_Left : T renames X (I); X_Right : T renames X (X'Last + X'First - I); begin Tmp := X_Left; X_Left := X_Right; X_Right := Tmp; end; end loop; end Reverse_Array; end Generic_Array_Pkg;

Abstracting the test application

In the previous examples, we've focused only on abstracting the reversing algorithm. However, we could have decided to also abstract our little test application. This could be useful if we, for example, decide to test other procedures that change elements of an array.

In order to achieve this, we have to abstract quite a few elements. We will therefore declare the following formal parameters:

  • the string S containing the array name;

  • the formal Generic_Array_Pkg package parameter, which is a generic package implemented in the previous section;

  • the formal Image function that converts an element of type T to a string;

  • the formal Pkg_Test procedure that performs some operation on the array.

Note that Image and Pkg_Test are examples of formal subprograms, which have been discussed in the introductory course. Also, note that S is an example of a formal object, which we discuss in later section.

This is a version of the test application that makes use of the generic Perform_Test procedure:

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Generic_Array_Pkg; procedure Test_Reverse_Colors_Pkg is generic S : String; with package Array_Pkg is new Generic_Array_Pkg (<>); use Array_Pkg; with function Image (E : T) return String is <>; with procedure Pkg_Test (X : in out Array_T); procedure Perform_Test (X : in out Array_T); procedure Perform_Test (X : in out Array_T) is begin for C of X loop Put_Line (S & ": " & Image (C)); end loop; New_Line; Put_Line ("Performing operation on " & S & "..."); New_Line; Pkg_Test (X); for C of X loop Put_Line (S & ": " & Image (C)); end loop; end Perform_Test; type Color is (Black, Red, Green, Blue, White); package Color_Pkg is new Generic_Array_Pkg (T => Color, Index => Integer); My_Colors : Color_Pkg.Array_T (1 .. 5) := (Black, Red, Green, Blue, White); procedure Perform_Test_Reverse_Color_Array is new Perform_Test (S => "My_Color", Image => Color'Image, Array_Pkg => Color_Pkg, Pkg_Test => Color_Pkg.Reverse_Array); begin Perform_Test_Reverse_Color_Array (My_Colors); end Test_Reverse_Colors_Pkg;

In this example, we create the procedure Perform_Test_Reverse_Color_Array as an instance of the generic procedure (Perform_Test). Note that:

  • For the formal Image function, we make use of the Image attribute of the Color type

  • For the formal Pkg_Test procedure, we reference the Reverse_Array procedure from the package.

Note that this example includes a formal package declaration:

with package Array_Pkg is new
  Generic_Array_Pkg (<>);

Previously, we've seen package instantiations that define the elements. For example:

package Color_Pkg is new
  Generic_Array_Pkg (T     => Color,
                     Index => Integer);

In this case, however, we're simply using (<>), as discussed in the section on formal package parametrization. This means that Perform_Test makes use of the default definition used for the instance of Generic_Array_Pkg.

Cascading generic packages

In the code example from the previous section, we declared four formal parameters for the Perform_Test procedure. Two of them are directly related to the array that we're using for the test:

  • S: the string containing the array name

  • the function Image that converts an elements of the array to a string

We could abstract our implementation even further by moving these elements into a separate package named Generic_Array_Bundle and reference the Generic_Array_Pkg there. This would create a chain of generic packages:

Generic_Array_Bundle <= Generic_Array_Pkg

This strategy demonstrates that, in Ada, it is really straightforward to make use of generics in order to abstracts algorithms.

First, let us define the new Generic_Array_Bundle package, which references the Generic_Array_Pkg package and the two formal elements (S and Image) mentioned previously:

with Generic_Array_Pkg; generic S : String; with package Array_Pkg is new Generic_Array_Pkg (<>); with function Image (E : Array_Pkg.T) return String is <>; package Generic_Array_Bundle is end Generic_Array_Bundle;

Then, we update the definition of Perform_Test:

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Generic_Array_Pkg; with Generic_Array_Bundle; procedure Test_Reverse_Colors_Pkg is generic with package Array_Bundle is new Generic_Array_Bundle (<>); use Array_Bundle; use Array_Pkg; with procedure Pkg_Test (X : in out Array_T); procedure Perform_Test (X : in out Array_T); procedure Perform_Test (X : in out Array_T) is begin for C of X loop Put_Line (S & ": " & Image (C)); end loop; New_Line; Put_Line ("Reversing " & S & "..."); New_Line; Pkg_Test (X); for C of X loop Put_Line (S & ": " & Image (C)); end loop; end Perform_Test; type Color is (Black, Red, Green, Blue, White); package Color_Pkg is new Generic_Array_Pkg (T => Color, Index => Integer); My_Colors : Color_Pkg.Array_T (1 .. 5) := (Black, Red, Green, Blue, White); package Color_Array_Bundle is new Generic_Array_Bundle (S => "My_Color", Image => Color'Image, Array_Pkg => Color_Pkg); procedure Perform_Test_Reverse_Color_Array is new Perform_Test (Array_Bundle => Color_Array_Bundle, Pkg_Test => Color_Pkg.Reverse_Array); begin Perform_Test_Reverse_Color_Array (My_Colors); end Test_Reverse_Colors_Pkg;

Note that, in this case, we reduce the number of formal parameters to only two:

  • Array_Bundle: an instance of the new Generic_Array_Bundle package

  • the procedure Pkg_Test that we already had before

We could go even further and move Perform_Test into a separate package. However, this will be left as an exercise for the reader.

Signature Packages

Signature packages are used to group a set of types and subprograms that serve as a formal package parameter in another generic package. In the source-code examples of the previous section, we've seen the package Generic_Array_Bundle, which was used as a formal package for the generic procedure Perform_Test. Generic_Array_Bundle is an example of a signature package.

In this simple example, we define the signature package Sig_Pkg:

generic type T is private; with function Image (E : T) return String is <>; package Sig_Pkg is end Sig_Pkg;

As a standalone package, Sig_Pkg is not really useful. However, it becomes useful when used as a formal package in other generic declarations. For example, let's use this signature package for the generic procedure Show of a package P:

with Sig_Pkg; package P is generic with package SP is new Sig_Pkg (<>); procedure Show (V : SP.T); end P;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; package body P is procedure Show (V : SP.T) is begin Put_Line ("Value: " & SP.Image (V)); end Show; end P;

Finally, we can use this package in an application:

with Sig_Pkg; with P; procedure Main is package Int_P is new Sig_Pkg (Integer, Integer'Image); procedure Show_Int is new P.Show (Int_P); V : Integer; begin V := 42; Show_Int (V); end Main;

We can also use formal incomplete types for signature packages. For example:

generic type Incomplete; with function "+" (V1, V2 : Incomplete) return Incomplete; with function "-" (V1, V2 : Incomplete) return Incomplete; package Formal_Incomplete_Type_Example with Pure is end Formal_Incomplete_Type_Example;

This allows us to map other formal incomplete types, for example:

with Formal_Incomplete_Type_Example; generic type T; with package P is new Formal_Incomplete_Type_Example (T, others => <>); package Map_Incomplete_Type_Example with Pure is end Map_Incomplete_Type_Example;

In general, signature packages aren't used in isolation, but in combination with other generic packages. Also, they don't define anything themselves. In this sense, signature packages don't have an associated package body.

Using signature packages is an useful approach to clean-up the declaration of generic packages or subprograms that contain many formal parameters. You may move these formal parameters into multiple signature packages, each one containing a group of formal parameters that belong together. Also, multiple signature packages can be cascaded to create more complex generic implementations.

Formal objects

Formal objects are used to bind objects to a generic specification. They are similar to parameters in subprograms and can have in or in out modes.

One of the simplest applications of formal objects is to use them to configure a generic subprogram or package during instantiation. For example, we can implement a generic function that processes an array of floating-point values and calculates an output value. This calculation is implemented in two versions:

  • a standard version;

  • a faster version that is less accurate than the standard version.

While the generic implementation offers both variants, developers can select the version that is more appropriate for their system during instantiation.

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; procedure Show_Formal_Object is type Array_Float is array (Positive range <>) of Float; generic Use_Fast_Version : Boolean; function Gen_Calc (A : Array_Float) return Float; function Gen_Calc (A : Array_Float) return Float is begin if Use_Fast_Version then Put_Line ("Using fast version"); else Put_Line ("Using standard version"); end if; -- Implementation missing here... return 0.0; end Gen_Calc; function Calc is new Gen_Calc (Use_Fast_Version => True); Vals : Array_Float (1 .. 2) := (0.5, 0.3); X : Float; begin X := Calc (Vals); end Show_Formal_Object;

In this example, we instantiate the fast version of Gen_Calc.

Input-output formal objects

Formal objects with in out mode are used to bind objects in an instance of a generic specification. For example, we may bind a global object from a package to the instantiation of a generic procedure, so that all calls to this instance make use of that object internally.

In the application below, we create a database using a container and bind it to procedures that display information from the database in a specific format.

The Data_Elements package describes the data fields of the data container. It also includes an Image function that returns a string based on the specified field.

with Ada.Calendar; use Ada.Calendar; with Ada.Strings.Unbounded; use Ada.Strings.Unbounded; package Data_Elements is type Data_Element is record First_Name : Unbounded_String; Last_Name : Unbounded_String; Birthday : Time; end record; type Data_Fields is (First_Name_F, Last_Name_F, Birthday_F, Age_F); function Image (D : Data_Element; F : Data_Fields) return String; end Data_Elements;

This is the corresponding package body:

with Ada.Calendar.Formatting; use Ada.Calendar.Formatting; with Ada.Calendar.Time_Zones; use Ada.Calendar.Time_Zones; package body Data_Elements is TZ : Time_Offset := UTC_Time_Offset; function To_Year (D : Duration) return Natural is (Natural (D) / 86_400 / 365); function Image (D : Data_Element; F : Data_Fields) return String is Now : Time := Clock; Age : Natural := To_Year (Now - D.Birthday); begin case F is when First_Name_F => return To_String (D.First_Name); when Last_Name_F => return To_String (D.Last_Name); when Birthday_F => return Image (D.Birthday, True, TZ); when Age_F => return Natural'Image (Age); end case; end Image; end Data_Elements;

Note that the age field in the Image function (represented by Age_F) isn't a field from the data container, but a calculated value instead.

The Data package below implements the data container using a vector. It includes the generic procedure Display that exhibits the information from the data container based on the fields specified by the developer at the procedure instantiation.

with Ada.Containers; with Ada.Containers.Vectors; with Data_Elements; use Data_Elements; package Data is type Data_Container is private; procedure Insert (C : in out Data_Container; V : Data_Element); type Data_Fields_Array is array (Positive range <>) of Data_Fields; generic Container : in out Data_Container; Fields : Data_Fields_Array; Header : String := ""; procedure Display; private package Vectors is new Ada.Containers.Vectors (Index_Type => Natural, Element_Type => Data_Element); type Data_Container is record V : Vectors.Vector; end record; end Data;

Note that, in addition to Container, which is a formal input-output object, we make use of the Fields and Header objects, which are formal input objects. Also, note that we could have declared Container as a parameter of Display instead of declaring it as a formal object:

   Fields    : Data_Fields_Array;
   Header    : String := "";
procedure Display (Container : in out Data_Container);

In this case, we wouldn't be able to bind a local Container object to the instantiation of the Display procedure. Instead, we would always have to pass the container as an argument. Potentially, we could pass the wrong container to the procedure. By using a formal input-output object, we make sure that a specific object is bound to the procedure. This design decision ensures that we always have the same object being used in all calls to an instance of the Display procedure.

This is the corresponding body of the Data package:

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; package body Data is procedure Insert (C : in out Data_Container; V : Data_Element) is begin C.V.Append (V); end Insert; procedure Display is begin if Header /= "" then Put_Line (Header); New_Line; end if; for E of Container.V loop for F of Fields loop Put (Image (E, F) & " "); end loop; New_Line; end loop; New_Line; end Display; end Data;

Finally, we implement the Test_Data_Container procedure, which makes use of the data container:

with Ada.Strings.Unbounded; use Ada.Strings.Unbounded; with Ada.Calendar.Formatting; with Data; use Data; with Data_Elements; use Data_Elements; procedure Test_Data_Container is package App_Data_Container is -- -- Data container for all operations. -- C : Data_Container; -- -- Display procedures are specific for -- the data container. -- procedure Display_First_Name_Age is new Display (Container => C, Fields => (1 => First_Name_F, 2 => Age_F), Header => "FIRST_NAME AGE"); procedure Display_Name_Birthday is new Display (Container => C, Fields => (1 => First_Name_F, 2 => Last_Name_F, 3 => Birthday_F), Header => "NAME BIRTHDAY"); end App_Data_Container; use App_Data_Container; -- -- Data container initialization -- procedure Init_Container is function To_US (S : String) return Unbounded_String renames To_Unbounded_String; begin Insert (C, (First_Name => To_US ("John"), Last_Name => To_US ("Smith"), Birthday => Ada.Calendar.Formatting.Time_Of (Year => 1951, Month => 5, Day => 1))); Insert (C, (First_Name => To_US ("Alice"), Last_Name => To_US ("Williams"), Birthday => Ada.Calendar.Formatting.Time_Of (Year => 1968, Month => 10, Day => 12))); end Init_Container; begin Init_Container; Display_First_Name_Age; Display_Name_Birthday; end Test_Data_Container;

In this example, we declare the data container C and bind it to two instantiations of the Display procedure:

  • Display_First_Name_Age, which displays the first name and age of each person from the database;

  • Display_Name_Birthday, which displays the full name and birthday of each person.

Formal definite and indefinite types

Relevant topics

  • definite and indefinite (sub)types in the context of generics

  • discriminants
    • A'Constrained


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Formal incomplete type

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Default subtype mark

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Formal private and derived types


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Formal interfaces

Generating subprogram specifications

Formal interfaces can be used to generate a collection of pre-defined subprograms for new types. For example, let's suppose that, for a given type T, we need at least a pair of subprograms that set and get elements of type T based on another type. We might want to convert back and forth between the types T and Integer. In addition, we might want to convert from and to other types (e.g., Float). To implement this, we can define the following generic interface:

package Gen_Interface is generic type TD is private; type TI is interface; package Set_Get is type T is interface and TI; procedure Set (E : in out T; D : TD) is abstract; function Get (E : T) return TD is abstract; end Set_Get; end Gen_Interface;

In this example, the package Set_Get defines subprograms that allow converting from any definite type (TD) and the interface type (TI).

We then proceed to declare packages for converting between Integer and Float types and the interface type. Also, we declare an actual tagged type that combines these conversion subprograms into a single type:

with Gen_Interface; package My_Type_Pkg is type My_Type_Interface is interface; package Set_Get_Integer is new Gen_Interface.Set_Get (TD => Integer, TI => My_Type_Interface); use Set_Get_Integer; package Set_Get_Float is new Gen_Interface.Set_Get (TD => Float, TI => My_Type_Interface); use Set_Get_Float; type My_Type is new Set_Get_Integer.T and Set_Get_Float.T with private; overriding procedure Set (E : in out My_Type; D : Integer); overriding function Get (E : My_Type) return Integer; overriding procedure Set (E : in out My_Type; D : Float); overriding function Get (E : My_Type) return Float; private type My_Type is new Set_Get_Integer.T and Set_Get_Float.T with record I : Integer; F : Float; end record; end My_Type_Pkg;

First, we declare the packages Set_Get_Integer and Set_Get_Float based on the generic Set_Get package. Next, we declare My_Type based on the interface type from these two packages. By doing this, My_Type now needs to implement the actual conversion from and to Integer and Float types.

Note that, in the private part of My_Type, we're storing the floating-point and integer representations that we receive in the calls to the Set procedures. However, we could have complex data as well and just use conversion subprograms to provide a simplified representation of the complex data.

This is just an example on how we could implement these Set and Get subprograms:

package body My_Type_Pkg is procedure Set (E : in out My_Type; D : Integer) is begin E.I := D; E.F := Float (D); end Set; function Get (E : My_Type) return Integer is begin return E.I; end Get; procedure Set (E : in out My_Type; D : Float) is begin E.F := D; E.I := Integer (D); end Set; function Get (E : My_Type) return Float is begin return E.F; end Get; end My_Type_Pkg;

As expected, declaring and using variable of My_Type is straightforward:

with My_Type_Pkg; use My_Type_Pkg; procedure Show_Gen_Interface is C : My_Type; begin C.Set (2); C.Set (2.1); end Show_Gen_Interface;

Facilitating arrays of interfaces

Formal interfaces can facilitate the handling of arrays of interface types. Let's consider an interface type TI and the derived tagged types T and T2. We may declare arrays containing elements that access the TI class. These arrays can be initialized with elements that access types T or T2. Also, we may process these arrays with an operation Op using the API of the TI interface.

package TI_Pkg is type TI is interface; procedure Op (E : in out TI) is abstract; type TI_Class_Access is access all TI'Class; type TI_Array is array (Positive range <>) of TI_Class_Access; procedure Op (A : in out TI_Array); end TI_Pkg;
package body TI_Pkg is procedure Op (A : in out TI_Array) is begin for E of A loop E.Op; end loop; end Op; end TI_Pkg;
with TI_Pkg; use TI_Pkg; package T_Pkg is type T is new TI with null record; type T_Class_Access is access all T'Class; type T_Array is array (Positive range <>) of T_Class_Access; -- Missing implementation procedure Op (E : in out T) is null; type T2 is new T with null record; -- Missing implementation procedure Op (E : in out T2) is null; end T_Pkg;

This is a test application that declares an array A of the interface type TI and calls Op for A:

with TI_Pkg; use TI_Pkg; with T_Pkg; use T_Pkg; procedure Test_T is A : TI_Array (1 .. 3) := (1 => new T, 2 => new T2, 3 => new T); begin Op (TI_Array (A)); end Test_T;

This example doesn't work if we use an array of the derived type T:

with TI_Pkg; use TI_Pkg;
with T_Pkg;  use T_Pkg;

procedure Test_T is

   A : T_Array (1 .. 3) :=
         (1 => new T,
          2 => new T2,
          3 => new T);


   Op (A);

end Test_T;

This is incorrect because Op expects an array of type TI, not T. Even if the type T is derived from TI, the corresponding array type is not. Formal interfaces can be used to create a generic version of Op that operates directly on an array of type T. Let's look at an example.

The example below calculates the average of interface types that are convertible to floating-point values. We consider that a type is convertible to floating-point if it provides a To_Float function. This is implemented with the Float_Cnvt_Type interface. We also declare a generic package containing the Average function, which calculates the average of an array containing elements of a convertible type (i.e. any type derived from the Float_Cnvt_Type interface).

package Float_Interface_Pkg is type Float_Cnvt_Type is interface; function To_Float (E : Float_Cnvt_Type) return Float is abstract; end Float_Interface_Pkg;
generic type Float_Cnvt_T is new Float_Cnvt_Type with private; type Float_Cnvt_Class_Access is access all Float_Cnvt_T'Class; type Float_Cnvt_Array is array (Positive range <>) of Float_Cnvt_Class_Access; package Float_Interface_Pkg.Ops is function Average (A : Float_Cnvt_Array) return Float; end Float_Interface_Pkg.Ops;

This is the corresponding package body containing the implementation of the generic Average function:

package body Float_Interface_Pkg.Ops is function Average (A : Float_Cnvt_Array) return Float is begin return Acc : Float do Acc := 0.0; for E of A loop Acc := Acc + E.To_Float; end loop; Acc := Acc / Float (A'Last - A'First + 1); end return; end Average; end Float_Interface_Pkg.Ops;

In the App_Data package, we declare two types derived from Float_Cnvt_Type: T and T2. We also declare the corresponding To_Float functions.

with Float_Interface_Pkg; use Float_Interface_Pkg; package App_Data is type T is new Float_Cnvt_Type with private; type T_Class_Access is access all T'Class; type T_Array is array (Positive range <>) of T_Class_Access; procedure Set (E : in out T; F : Float); function To_Float (E : T) return Float; type T2 is new T with private; type T2_Class_Access is access all T2'Class; procedure Set_Ext (E : in out T2; F : Float); overriding function To_Float (E : T2) return Float; private type T is new Float_Cnvt_Type with record F : Float := 0.0; end record; type T2 is new T with record F2 : Float := 0.0; end record; end App_Data;

This is the corresponding package body:

package body App_Data is procedure Set (E : in out T; F : Float) is begin E.F := F; end Set; function To_Float (E : T) return Float is (E.F); procedure Set_Ext (E : in out T2; F : Float) is begin E.F2 := F; end Set_Ext; function To_Float (E : T2) return Float is (E.F + E.F2); end App_Data;

Finally, this is a test application that declares an array of convertible types and calls the Average function to calculate the average of all elements.

with App_Data; use App_Data; with Float_Interface_Pkg.Ops; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; procedure Show_Average is package Ops is new Float_Interface_Pkg.Ops (Float_Cnvt_T => T, Float_Cnvt_Class_Access => T_Class_Access, Float_Cnvt_Array => T_Array); A : T_Array (1 .. 3) := (1 => new T, 2 => new T2, 3 => new T); Avg : Float; begin for I in A'Range loop A (I).Set (1.0); if A (I).all in T2'Class then declare A_I : T2_Class_Access := T2_Class_Access (A (I)); begin A_I.Set_Ext (3.0); end; end if; end loop; Avg := Ops.Average (A); Put_Line ("Avg: " & Float'Image (Avg)); end Show_Average;

In this example, we declare the array A with elements of both T and T2 types. After initializing the elements of A, we call the Average function from Ops, an instance of the generic package Float_Interface_Pkg.Ops.

Discussion: formal interfaces vs. other approaches

In Ada, we basically have three approaches to describe interfaces for generic types. In addition to the approach using formal interfaces that we've just seen above, we also have these approaches:

  • Formal subprograms, which we've presented in the introductory course (in the chapter about generics of the Introduction to Ada course).

  • Signature packages, which we've discussed in a previous section.

Let's briefly recapitulate these approaches:

package Interface_Approaches is ------------------------------- -- Using Formal Subprograms -- ------------------------------- package Using_Formal_Subprograms is generic type T is private; with procedure P (E : T) is <>; package Pkg is end Pkg; end Using_Formal_Subprograms; ------------------------------- -- Using Signature Packages -- ------------------------------- package Using_Signature_Packages is generic type T2; with procedure P (E : T2) is <>; package Sig_Pkg is end Sig_Pkg; generic type T is private; with package SP is new Sig_Pkg (T, <>); package Pkg is end Pkg; end Using_Signature_Packages; ------------------------- -- Using Tagged Types -- ------------------------- package Using_Tagged_Types is type I is interface; procedure P (E : I) is abstract; generic type T is new I with private; package Pkg is end Pkg; end Using_Tagged_Types; end Interface_Approaches;

The following subsections discuss the pros and cons of each approach. For the source-code examples, we'll implement a generic hash table.

Interfaces using formal subprograms

Formal subprograms, combined with a formal type, can be used to define an implicit interface. Let's look at the implementation of a generic hash table:

with Ada.Containers; use Ada.Containers; package Interface_Using_Formal_Function is generic type T is private; with function Hash (Self : T) return Hash_Type is <>; package Hash_Tables is -- Missing implementation end Hash_Tables; end Interface_Using_Formal_Function;

In contrast to formal interfaces, the interface described with formal subprograms is implicit: we don't have an explicit interface type defined here. However, the combination of type T and the function Hash represent an interface.

The fact that we don't declare an explicit interface has the disadvantage of not being as obvious as when the interface keyword is used in the code. Developers are forced to recognize the design pattern: they have to deduce that the intention of declaring T and Hash is to define an interface. However, this approach has the advantage of not requiring the use of tagged types in the package instantiation.

This is an example of a package instantiating the generic hash table:

with Ada.Containers; use Ada.Containers; with Ada.Strings.Hash; with Interface_Using_Formal_Function; use Interface_Using_Formal_Function; package Instantiation_Using_Formal_Function is type My_Type is record Key : String (1 .. 100); Key_2 : String (1 .. 100); end record; function Hash (Self : My_Type) return Hash_Type is (Ada.Strings.Hash (Self.Key)); function Alt_Hash (Self : My_Type) return Hash_Type is (Ada.Strings.Hash (Self.Key_2)); package My_Type_Hash_Tables is new Hash_Tables (My_Type); package My_Type_Alt_Hash_Tables is new Hash_Tables (T => My_Type, Hash => Alt_Hash); end Instantiation_Using_Formal_Function;

Note that, in the declaration of the My_Type_Hash_Tables, we're not specifying the Hash function for the instantiation of the generic Hash_Tables package. This is possible for two reasons:

  • In the declaration of the formal function parameter, we're using is <>, which automatically selects a function with the same name and a compatible signature in the package instantiation if available.

  • For My_Type, we've declared a function that has the same name as the formal function and the expected signature.

If the above-mentioned conditions are not met, we have to provide an argument for the formal function parameter in the package instantiation.

We may also instantiate the formal package using alternative versions of the function associated with the formal package. This is what we're doing in the declaration of the My_Type_Alt_Hash_Tables package. In this case, we're using Alt_Hash instead of Hash for the formal function parameter. Note that, because the name of the actual function doesn't match the name of the formal function, we need to indicate it explicitly.

Interfaces using signature packages

The basic form of signature packages is similar to the approach we've just seen using formal subprograms: a signature package defines an interface using a formal type and formal subprograms.

Signature packages make it more explicit that the types and subprograms defined in the package represent an interface. This is an advantage over the approach using formal subprograms directly. However, using signature package isn't as explicit as using the interface keyword.

As mentioned before, signature packages aren't used in isolation, but in combination with other generic packages. Also, they don't define anything themselves. These features might provide a hint that a package is used to represent an interface.

Let's look at the implementation of a generic hash table using a signature package:

with Ada.Containers; use Ada.Containers; package Interface_Using_Signature_Package is generic type Element; with function Hash (Self : Element) return Hash_Type is <>; package Hashable_Signature is end Hashable_Signature; generic type T is private; with package T_Hashable is new Hashable_Signature (T, <>); package Hash_Tables is -- Missing implementation end Hash_Tables; end Interface_Using_Signature_Package;

Note that this approach is more verbose than the previous one using formal subprograms directly. In this case, we have to declare two generic packages instead of one.

This is an example of a package instantiating a signature package and the generic hash table:

with Ada.Containers; use Ada.Containers; with Ada.Strings.Hash; with Interface_Using_Signature_Package; use Interface_Using_Signature_Package; package Instantiation_Using_Signature_Package is type My_Type is record Key : String (1 .. 100); Key_2 : String (1 .. 100); end record; function Hash (Self : My_Type) return Hash_Type is (Ada.Strings.Hash (Self.Key)); function Alt_Hash (Self : My_Type) return Hash_Type is (Ada.Strings.Hash (Self.Key_2)); package My_Type_Hashable is new Hashable_Signature (My_Type, Hash); package My_Type_Hash_Tables is new Hash_Tables (My_Type, My_Type_Hashable); package My_Type_Alt_Hashable is new Hashable_Signature (My_Type, Alt_Hash); package My_Type_Alt_Hash_Tables is new Hash_Tables (My_Type, My_Type_Alt_Hashable); end Instantiation_Using_Signature_Package;

This approach shares the same advantage listed for the previous approach: we may use any type, not only tagged types for instantiating the generic package. However, when using signature packages, the generic package instantiation also becomes more verbose: we have to instantiate two packages instead of one to achieve the same result. For the example above, we first declare the My_Type_Hashable package and use it in the declaration of the My_Type_Hash_Tables package.

The advantage of this approach is that the instantiation of the actual package (the hash table in our example) is simplified: instead of passing all formal subprograms as parameters to My_Type_Hash_Tables, we only need to specify the signature package which contains the complete interface. When implementing complex interfaces, this approach might lead to a cleaner design than the previous approach using formal subprograms directly.

Similar to the previous approach, we may also instantiate the formal package using alternative versions of the function associated with the formal package. This is what we're doing in the declaration of the My_Type_Alt_Hash_Tables package.

Interfaces using tagged types

Finally, let's discuss the design of generic packages using formal interfaces and tagged types. In contrast to the two approaches mentioned above, formal interfaces explicitly indicate what's the interface in the implementation through the interface keyword. No interpretation of design patterns is needed in this case.

For the approaches we've discussed earlier (using formal subprograms and signature packages), we were free to use any type in the instantiation of the generic package. However, for generic packages using formal interfaces, we can only use tagged types in the instantiation. This may be a serious restriction, especially if we have to deal with existing code containing types that are not tagged. Fortunately, in this case, we can use the previous approaches to implement interfaces.

Let's look at the implementation of a generic hash table using a formal interface:

with Ada.Containers; use Ada.Containers; package Interface_Using_Tagged_Types is type Hashable is interface; function Hash (Self : Hashable) return Hash_Type is abstract; generic type T is new Hashable with private; package Hash_Tables is -- Missing implementation end Hash_Tables; end Interface_Using_Tagged_Types;

This is an example of a package instantiating the generic hash table using a tagged type:

with Ada.Containers; use Ada.Containers; with Ada.Strings.Hash; with Interface_Using_Tagged_Types; use Interface_Using_Tagged_Types; package Instantiation_Using_Tagged_Types is type My_Type is new Hashable with record Key : String (1 .. 100); Key_2 : String (1 .. 100); end record; function Hash (Self : My_Type) return Hash_Type is (Ada.Strings.Hash (Self.Key)); package My_Type_Hash_Tables is new Hash_Tables (My_Type); end Instantiation_Using_Tagged_Types;

The instantiation of generic packages is much simpler in this case: we don't have to pass operations as parameters in the package instantiation. In this example, the declaration of My_Type_Hash_Tables is very straightforward: we just have to specify the tagged type (My_Type). All operations are implicitly defined in the tagged type, so we don't have to specify them. Conversely, we're bound to use the implementation associated with the type. We cannot easily replace Hash by Alt_Hash as in the previous approaches. In order to do that, we have to declare a derived type and override the Hash function. This is how we may create the My_Type_Alt_Hash_Tables package using the alternative hashing function, as we did in the previous approaches:

with Ada.Containers; use Ada.Containers; with Ada.Strings.Hash; with Interface_Using_Tagged_Types; use Interface_Using_Tagged_Types; with Instantiation_Using_Tagged_Types; use Instantiation_Using_Tagged_Types; package Instantiation_Using_Alt_Tagged_Types is type My_Alt_Type is new My_Type with null record; overriding function Hash (Self : My_Alt_Type) return Hash_Type is (Ada.Strings.Hash (Self.Key_2)); package My_Type_Alt_Hash_Tables is new Hash_Tables (My_Alt_Type); end Instantiation_Using_Alt_Tagged_Types;

In this example, the Hash function of the My_Alt_Type type corresponds to the Alt_Hash function that we implemented in the previous approaches.

Formal synchronized interfaces

Formal synchronized interfaces are a specialized case of formal interfaces that can be used for task types and protected types. Since formal synchronized interfaces are similar to formal interfaces, we can reuse the previous source-code example with minimal adaptations.

When adapting the Gen_Interface package, we just need to make use of the synchronized keyword:

package Gen_Sync_Interface is generic type TD is private; type TI is synchronized interface; package Set_Get is type T is synchronized interface and TI; procedure Set (E : in out T; D : TD) is abstract; function Get (E : T) return TD is abstract; end Set_Get; end Gen_Sync_Interface;

Note that we're also renaming some packages (e.g., renaming Gen_Interface to Gen_Sync_Interface) to better differentiate between them. This approach is used in the adaptations below as well.

When adapting the My_Type_Pkg, we again need to make use of the synchronized keyword. Also, we need to declare My_Type as a protected type and adapt the subprogram and component declarations. Note that we could have used a task type instead. This is the adapted package:

with Gen_Sync_Interface; package My_Sync_Type_Pkg is type My_Type_Interface is synchronized interface; package Set_Get_Integer is new Gen_Sync_Interface.Set_Get (TD => Integer, TI => My_Type_Interface); use Set_Get_Integer; package Set_Get_Float is new Gen_Sync_Interface.Set_Get (TD => Float, TI => My_Type_Interface); use Set_Get_Float; protected type My_Type is new Set_Get_Integer.T and Set_Get_Float.T with overriding procedure Set (D : Integer); function Get return Integer; overriding procedure Set (D : Float); function Get return Float; private I : Integer; F : Float; end My_Type; end My_Sync_Type_Pkg;

In the package body, we just need to adapt the access to components in the subprograms:

package body My_Sync_Type_Pkg is protected body My_Type is procedure Set (D : Integer) is begin I := D; F := Float (D); end Set; function Get return Integer is begin return I; end Get; procedure Set (D : Float) is begin F := D; I := Integer (D); end Set; function Get return Float is begin return F; end Get; end My_Type; end My_Sync_Type_Pkg;

Finally, the main application doesn't require adaptations:

with My_Sync_Type_Pkg; use My_Sync_Type_Pkg; procedure Show_Gen_Sync_Interface is C : My_Type; begin C.Set (2); C.Set (2.1); end Show_Gen_Sync_Interface;

Formal numeric types

Ada supports the use of numeric types for generics. This can be used to describe a numeric algorithm independently of the actual data type. We'll see examples below.

This is the corresponding syntax:

  • For floating-point types: type T is digits <>;

  • For binary fixed-point type: type T is delta <>;

  • For decimal fixed-point types: type T is delta <> digits <>;

In this section, we discuss generic floating-point and binary fixed-point types.

Formal floating-point types

Simple generic package

Let's look at an example of a generic package containing a procedure that saturates floating-point numbers. In this code, we work with a normalized range between -1.0 and 1.0. Due to the fact that some calculations might lead to results outside this range, we use the Saturate procedure to put values back into the normalized range.

This is the package specification:

generic type F is digits <>; package Gen_Float_Ops is procedure Saturate (V : in out F); end Gen_Float_Ops;

This is the package body:

package body Gen_Float_Ops is procedure Saturate (V : in out F) is begin if V > 1.0 then V := 1.0; elsif V < -1.0 then V := -1.0; end if; end Saturate; end Gen_Float_Ops;

Finally, we create a test application:

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Gen_Float_Ops; procedure Show_Float_Ops is package Float_Ops is new Gen_Float_Ops (F => Float); use Float_Ops; package Long_Float_Ops is new Gen_Float_Ops (F => Long_Float); use Long_Float_Ops; F : Float := 0.5; LF : Long_Float := -0.5; begin F := F + 0.7; LF := LF - 0.7; Put_Line ("F: " & Float'Image (F)); Put_Line ("LF: " & Long_Float'Image (LF)); Saturate (F); Saturate (LF); Put_Line ("F: " & Float'Image (F)); Put_Line ("LF: " & Long_Float'Image (LF)); end Show_Float_Ops;

In this application, we create two instances of the Gen_Float_Ops package: one for the Float type and one for the Long_Float type. We then make use of computations whose results are outside the normalized range. By calling the Saturate procedure, we ensure that the values are inside the range again.

Operations in generic packages

In this section, we discuss how to declare operations associated with floating-point types in generic packages.

Let's first define a package that implements a new type My_Float based on the standard Float type. For this type, we override the addition operator with an implementation that saturates the value after the actual addition.

This is the package specification:

package Float_Types is type My_Float is new Float; function "+" (A, B : My_Float) return My_Float; end Float_Types;

This is the corresponding package body:

package body Float_Types is procedure Saturate (V : in out My_Float) is begin if V > 1.0 then V := 1.0; elsif V < -1.0 then V := -1.0; end if; end Saturate; overriding function "+" (A, B : My_Float) return My_Float is begin return R : My_Float do R := My_Float (Float (A) + Float (B)); Saturate (R); end return; end "+"; end Float_Types;

Next, we create a package containing a procedure that accumulates floating-point values. This is the package specification:

generic type F is digits <>; with function "+" (A, B : F) return F is <>; package Gen_Float_Acc is procedure Acc (V : in out F; S : F); end Gen_Float_Acc;

In this specification, we declare a formal function for the addition operator using with function. This operator is used by the Acc procedure in the package body. Also, because we use <> in the specification, the corresponding addition operator for type F is selected.

This is the package body:

package body Gen_Float_Acc is procedure Acc (V : in out F; S : F) is begin V := V + S; end Acc; end Gen_Float_Acc;

This is a test application that makes use of the Float_Types and Gen_Float_Acc packages.

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Float_Types; use Float_Types; with Gen_Float_Acc; procedure Show_Float_Overriding is package Float_Ops is new Gen_Float_Acc (F => My_Float); use Float_Ops; F1, F2 : My_Float := 0.5; begin Put_Line ("F1: " & My_Float'Image (F1)); Put_Line ("F2: " & My_Float'Image (F2)); Acc (F1, 3.0); F2 := F2 + 3.0; Put_Line ("F1: " & My_Float'Image (F1)); Put_Line ("F2: " & My_Float'Image (F2)); end Show_Float_Overriding;

We create an instance of the Gen_Float_Acc by using the My_Float type declared in the Float_Types package. Because we used <> in the specification of function "+" (in the Gen_Float_Acc package), the compiler will automatically select the addition operator that we've overriden in the Float_Types package, so that we don't need to specify it in the package instantiation.

The main reason for the formal subprogram in the specification of the Gen_Float_Acc package is that it prevents the compiler from selecting the standard operator. We could have removed the function "+" from the specification, as illustrated in the example below, where we modified the Gen_Float_Acc package:

   type F is digits <>;
   --  no "with function" here!
package Gen_Float_Acc is
   procedure Acc (V : in out F; S : F);
end Gen_Float_Acc;

package body Gen_Float_Acc is

   procedure Acc (V : in out F; S : F) is
      --  Using standard addition for universal
      --  floating-point type (digits <>) here:
      V := V + S;
   end Acc;

end Gen_Float_Acc;

In this case, however, even though we declared a custom addition operator for the My_Float type in the Float_Types package, an instantiation of the modified Gen_Float_Acc package would always make use of the standard addition:

--  This makes use of the type definition of
--  My_Float, but not its overridden operators.
package Float_Ops is new
  Gen_Float_Acc (F => My_Float);

Because the type F is declared as digits <>, which corresponds to the universal floating-point data type, the compiler selects operators associated with the universal floating-point data type in the package body. By specifying the formal subprogram, we make sure that the operator associated with the actual type is used.

Alternatively, we could make use of the Float_Types package directly in the generic package. For example:

with Float_Types; use Float_Types; generic type F is new My_Float; package Gen_Float_Acc is procedure Acc (V : in out F; S : F); end Gen_Float_Acc;

In this case, because the formal type is now based on My_Float, the corresponding operator for My_Float is used in the Acc procedure.

Formal fixed-point types

Simple generic package

In the previous section, we looked into an example of saturation for generic floating-point types. Let's adapt this example for fixed-point types. This is the package specification:

generic type F is delta <>; package Gen_Fixed_Ops is function Sat_Add (V1, V2 : F) return F; end Gen_Fixed_Ops;

For the fixed-point version, we specify the normalized range in the definition of the data type. Therefore, any computation that leads to values out of the normalized range will raise a Constraint_Error exception. In order to circumvent this, we can declare a fixed-point data type with a wider range and use it in combination with the actual operation that we want to perform -- an addition, in this case. This approach can be seen in the implementation of Sat_Add, which computes the addition using the local Ovhd_Fixed type with wider range, calls the Saturate procedure and converts the data type back into the original range.

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; package body Gen_Fixed_Ops is Ovhd_Depth : constant Positive := 64; Ovhd_Bits : constant := 32; Ovhd_Delta : constant := 2.0 ** Ovhd_Bits / 2.0 ** (Ovhd_Depth - 1); type Ovhd_Fixed is delta Ovhd_Delta range -2.0 ** Ovhd_Bits .. 2.0 ** Ovhd_Bits - Ovhd_Delta with Size => Ovhd_Depth; -- Ensure that Ovhd_Fixed has enough headroom pragma Assert (Ovhd_Fixed'First <= 2.0 * Ovhd_Fixed (F'First)); pragma Assert (Ovhd_Fixed'Last >= 2.0 * Ovhd_Fixed (F'Last)); -- Ensure that the precision is at least -- the same pragma Assert (Ovhd_Fixed'Small <= F'Small); procedure Saturate (V : in out Ovhd_Fixed) with Inline; procedure Saturate (V : in out Ovhd_Fixed) is First : constant Ovhd_Fixed := Ovhd_Fixed (F'First); Last : constant Ovhd_Fixed := Ovhd_Fixed (F'Last); begin if V > Last then V := Last; elsif V < First then V := First; end if; end Saturate; function Sat_Add (V1, V2 : F) return F is VC1 : Ovhd_Fixed := Ovhd_Fixed (V1); VC2 : Ovhd_Fixed := Ovhd_Fixed (V2); VC : Ovhd_Fixed; begin VC := VC1 + VC2; Saturate (VC); return F (VC); end Sat_Add; end Gen_Fixed_Ops;

Ovhd_Fixed is a 64-bit fixed-point data type. By using Asserts in the package body that compare this data type to the formal F type from the package specification, we ensure that the local fixed-point data type has enough overhead to cope with any fixed-point operation that we want to implement. Also, we ensure that we don't lose precision when converting back-and-forth between the local type and the original type.

We then use the Gen_Fixed_Ops package in a test application:

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Gen_Fixed_Ops; procedure Show_Fixed_Ops is F_Depth : constant Positive := 16; LF_Depth : constant Positive := 32; F_Delta : constant := 1.0 / 2.0 ** (F_Depth - 1); LF_Delta : constant := 1.0 / 2.0 ** (LF_Depth - 1); type Fixed is delta F_Delta range -1.0 .. 1.0 - F_Delta with Size => F_Depth; type Long_Fixed is delta LF_Delta range -1.0 .. 1.0 - LF_Delta with Size => LF_Depth; package Fixed_Ops is new Gen_Fixed_Ops (F => Fixed); use Fixed_Ops; package Long_Fixed_Ops is new Gen_Fixed_Ops (F => Long_Fixed); use Long_Fixed_Ops; F : Fixed := 0.5; LF : Long_Fixed := -0.5; begin Put_Line ("F: " & Fixed'Image (F)); Put_Line ("LF: " & Long_Fixed'Image (LF)); F := Sat_Add (F, 0.75); LF := Sat_Add (LF, -0.75); Put_Line ("F: " & Fixed'Image (F)); Put_Line ("LF: " & Long_Fixed'Image (LF)); end Show_Fixed_Ops;

In this test application, we declare two fixed-point data types: the 16-bit type Fixed and the 32-bit type Long_Fixed. These types are used to create instances of the Gen_Fixed_Ops. By calling Sat_Add, we ensure that the result of adding fixed-point values will always be in the allowed range and the computation will never raise an exception.

Operations in generic packages

In this section, we discuss how to declare operations associated with fixed-point types in generic packages. We start by adapting the examples used for floating-point in the previous section, so that fixed-point types are used instead.

First, we define a package that implements a new fixed-point type called Fixed. For this type, we override the addition operator with an implementation that saturates the value after the actual addition. This is the package specification:

package Fixed_Types is F_Depth : constant Positive := 16; F_Delta : constant := 1.0 / 2.0 ** (F_Depth - 1); type Fixed is delta F_Delta range -1.0 .. 1.0 - F_Delta with Size => F_Depth; function "+" (A, B : Fixed) return Fixed; end Fixed_Types;

In the package body, we make use of the Gen_Fixed_Ops package that we discussed earlier in the previous section. By instantiating the Gen_Fixed_Ops package, we can use the Sat_Add function in the implementation of the saturating addition operator.

with Gen_Fixed_Ops; package body Fixed_Types is package Fixed_Ops is new Gen_Fixed_Ops (F => Fixed); use Fixed_Ops; function "+" (A, B : Fixed) return Fixed is begin return R : Fixed do R := Sat_Add (A, B); end return; end "+"; end Fixed_Types;

Next, we create a package containing a procedure that accumulates fixed-point values. This is the package specification:

generic type F is delta <>; with function "+" (A : F; B : F) return F is <>; package Gen_Fixed_Acc is procedure Acc (V : in out F; S : F); end Gen_Fixed_Acc;

In this specification, we declare a formal function for the addition operator using with function. This operator is used by the Acc procedure in the package body, which we show next.

package body Gen_Fixed_Acc is procedure Acc (V : in out F; S : F) is begin V := V + S; end Acc; end Gen_Fixed_Acc;

This is a test application that makes use of the Fixed_Types and Gen_Fixed_Acc packages.

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Fixed_Types; use Fixed_Types; with Gen_Fixed_Acc; procedure Show_Fixed_Overriding is package Fixed_Ops is new Gen_Fixed_Acc (F => Fixed); use Fixed_Ops; F1 : Fixed := -0.5; begin Put_Line ("F1: " & Fixed'Image (F1)); Acc (F1, -0.9); Put_Line ("F1: " & Fixed'Image (F1)); end Show_Fixed_Overriding;

We create an instance of the Gen_Fixed_Acc by using the Fixed type declared in the Fixed_Types package. We then call Acc to accumulate and saturate a fixed-point variable.

As mentioned earlier in the section on generic floating-point types, the main reason for the formal subprogram in the specification of the Gen_Fixed_Acc package is that it prevents the compiler from selecting the standard operator. Alternatively, we could make use of the Fixed_Types package directly in the generic package:

with Fixed_Types; use Fixed_Types;

   type F is new Fixed;
package Gen_Fixed_Acc is
   procedure Acc (V : in out F; S : F);
end Gen_Fixed_Acc;

Generic Renaming


Complete section!