Type Contracts

Type Contracts in Ada 2012 and SPARK 2014

  • Natural evolution in Ada from previous type constraints

    • Scalar range specifies lower and upper bounds

    • Record discriminant specifies variants of the same type

  • Executable type invariants by Meyer in Eiffel (1988)

    • Part of Design by Contract ™

    • Type invariant is checked dynamically when an object is created, and when an exported routine of the class returns

  • Ada 2012 / SPARK 2014 support strong and weak invariants

    • A strong invariant must hold all the time

    • A weak invariant must hold outside of the scope of the type

Static and Dynamic Predicates

Static Predicate

  • Original use case for type predicates in Ada 2012

    • Supporting non-contiguous subtypes of enumerations

    • Removes the constraint to define enumeration values in an order that allows defining interesting subtypes

package Show_Static_Predicate is type Day is (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday); subtype Weekend is Day range Saturday .. Sunday; subtype Day_Off is Day with Static_Predicate => Day_Off in Wednesday | Weekend; end Show_Static_Predicate;
  • Typical use case on scalar types for holes in range

    • e.g. floats without 0.0

  • Types with static predicate are restricted

    • Cannot be used for the index of a loop or for array index (but OK for value tested in case statement)

Dynamic Predicate

  • Extension of static predicate for any property

    • Property for static predicate must compare value to static expressions

    • Property for dynamic predicate can be anything

package Show_Dynamic_Predicate is type Day is (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday); function Check_Is_Off_In_Calendar (D : Day) return Boolean; subtype Day_Off is Day with Dynamic_Predicate => Check_Is_Off_In_Calendar (Day_Off); end Show_Dynamic_Predicate;
  • Various typical use cases on scalar and composite types

    • Strings that start at index 1 (My_String'First = 1)

    • Upper bound on record component that depends on the discriminant value (Length <= Capacity)

    • Ordering property on array values (Is_Sorted (My_Array))

Restrictions on Types With Dynamic Predicate

  • Types with dynamic predicate are restricted

    • Cannot be used for the index of a loop (same as static predicate)

    • Cannot be used as array index (same as static predicate)

    • Cannot be used for the value tested in a case statement

  • No restriction on the property in Ada

    • Property can read the value of global variable (e.g. Check_Is_Off_In_Calendar)

      • what if global variable is updated?

    • Property can even have side-effects!

  • Stronger restrictions on the property in SPARK

    • Property cannot read global variables or have side-effects

    • These restrictions make it possible to prove predicates

Dynamic Checking of Predicates

  • Partly similar to other type constraints

    • Checked everywhere a range/discriminant check would be issued: assignment, parameter passing, type conversion, type qualification

    • ...but exception Assertion_Error is raised in case of violation

    • ...but predicates not checked by default, activated with -gnata

  • Static predicate does not mean verification at compile time!

package Show_Static_Predicate_Verified_At_Runtime is type Day is (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday); subtype Weekend is Day range Saturday .. Sunday; subtype Day_Off is Day with Static_Predicate => Day_Off in Wednesday | Weekend; procedure Process_Day (This_Day : Day); end Show_Static_Predicate_Verified_At_Runtime;
package body Show_Static_Predicate_Verified_At_Runtime is procedure Process_Day (This_Day : Day) is -- Predicate cannot be verified at compile time My_Day_Off : Day_Off := This_Day; begin -- missing implementation null; end Process_Day; end Show_Static_Predicate_Verified_At_Runtime;
  • Property should not contain calls to functions of the type

    • These functions will check the predicate on entry, leading to an infinite loop

    • GNAT compiler warns about such cases

Temporary Violations of the Dynamic Predicate

  • Sometimes convenient to locally violate the property

    • Inside subprogram, to assign components of a record without an aggregate assignment

    • Violation even if no run-time check on component assignment

  • Idiom is to define two types

    • First type does not have a predicate

    • Second type is a subtype of the first with the predicate

    • Conversions between these types at subprogram boundary

package Show_Temp_Violation_Dyn_Predicate is type Day is (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday); type Raw_Week_Schedule is record Day_Off, Day_On_Duty : Day; end record; subtype Week_Schedule is Raw_Week_Schedule with Dynamic_Predicate => Week_Schedule.Day_Off /= Week_Schedule.Day_On_Duty; end Show_Temp_Violation_Dyn_Predicate;

Type Invariant

  • Corresponds to the weak version of invariants

    • Predicates should hold always (only enforced with SPARK proof)

    • Type invariants should only hold outside of their defining package

  • Type invariant can only be used on private types

    • Either on the private declaration

    • Or on the completion of the type in the private part of the package (makes more sense in general, only option in SPARK)

package Show_Type_Invariant is type Day is (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday); type Week_Schedule is private; private type Week_Schedule is record Day_Off, Day_On_Duty : Day; end record with Type_Invariant => Day_Off /= Day_On_Duty; procedure Internal_Adjust (WS : in out Week_Schedule); end Show_Type_Invariant;

Dynamic Checking of Type Invariants

  • Checked on outputs of public subprograms of the package

    • Checked on results of public functions

    • Checked on (in) out parameters of public subprograms

    • Checked on variables of the type, or having a part of the type

    • Exception Assertion_Error is raised in case of violation

    • Not checked by default, activated with -gnata

  • No checking on internal subprograms!

    • Choice between predicate and type invariants depends on the need for such internal subprograms without checking

package Show_Type_Invariant is type Day is (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday); type Week_Schedule is private; private type Week_Schedule is record Day_Off, Day_On_Duty : Day; end record with Type_Invariant => Day_Off /= Day_On_Duty; procedure Internal_Adjust (WS : in out Week_Schedule); end Show_Type_Invariant;
package body Show_Type_Invariant is procedure Internal_Adjust (WS : in out Week_Schedule) is begin WS.Day_Off := WS.Day_On_Duty; end Internal_Adjust; end Show_Type_Invariant;

Inheritance of Predicates and Type Invariants

  • Derived types inherit the predicates of their parent type

    • Similar to other type constraints like bounds

    • Allows to structure a hierarchy of subtypes, from least to most constrained

package Show_Predicate_Inheritance is subtype String_Start_At_1 is String with Dynamic_Predicate => String_Start_At_1'First = 1; subtype String_Normalized is String_Start_At_1 with Dynamic_Predicate => String_Normalized'Last >= 0; subtype String_Not_Empty is String_Normalized with Dynamic_Predicate => String_Not_Empty'Length >= 1; end Show_Predicate_Inheritance;
  • Type invariants are typically not inherited

    • A private type cannot be derived unless it is tagged

    • Special aspect Type_Invariant'Class preferred for tagged types

Other Useful Gotchas on Predicates and Type Invariants

  • GNAT defines its own aspects Predicate and Invariant

    • Predicate is the same as Static_Predicate if property allows it

    • Otherwise Predicate is the same as Dynamic_Predicate

    • Invariant is the same as Type_Invariant

  • Referring to the current object in the property

    • The name of the type acts as the current object of that type

    • Components of records can be mentioned directly

  • Type invariants on protected objects

    • Ada/SPARK do not define type invariants on protected objects

    • Idiom is to use a record type as unique component of the PO, and use a predicate for that record type

Default Initial Condition

  • Aspect defined in GNAT to state a property on default initial values of a private type

    • Introduced for proof in SPARK

    • GNAT introduces a dynamic check when -gnata is used

    • Used in the formal containers library to state that containers are initially empty

with Ada.Containers; package Show_Default_Init_Cond is type Count_Type is new Ada.Containers.Count_Type; type List (Capacity : Count_Type) is private with Default_Initial_Condition => Is_Empty (List); function Is_Empty (L : List) return Boolean; private type List (Capacity : Count_Type) is null record; -- missing implementation... end Show_Default_Init_Cond;
  • Can also be used without a property for SPARK analysis

    • No argument specifies that the value is fully default initialized

    • Argument null specifies that there is no default initialization

Code Examples / Pitfalls

Example #1

package Example_01 is type Day is (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday); subtype Weekend is Day range Saturday .. Sunday; subtype Day_Off is Day range Wednesday | Weekend; end Example_01;

This code is not correct. The syntax of range constraints does not allow sets of values. A predicate should be used instead.

Example #2

package Example_02 is type Day is (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday); subtype Weekend is Day range Saturday .. Sunday; subtype Day_Off is Weekend with Static_Predicate => Day_Off in Wednesday | Weekend; end Example_02;

This code is not correct. This is accepted by GNAT, but result is not the one expected by the user. Day_Off has the same constraint as Weekend.

Example #3

package Example_03 is type Day is (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday); subtype Weekend is Day range Saturday .. Sunday; subtype Day_Off is Day with Dynamic_Predicate => Day_Off in Wednesday | Weekend; end Example_03;

This code is correct. It is valid to use a Dynamic_Predicate where a Static_Predicate would be allowed.

Example #4

package Week is type Day is (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday); subtype Weekend is Day range Saturday .. Sunday; subtype Day_Off is Day with Static_Predicate => Day_Off in Wednesday | Weekend; end Week;
with Week; use Week; procedure Example_04 is function Next_Day_Off (D : Day_Off) return Day_Off is begin case D is when Wednesday => return Saturday; when Saturday => return Sunday; when Sunday => return Wednesday; end case; end Next_Day_Off; begin null; end Example_04;

This code is correct. It is valid to use a type with Static_Predicate for the value tested in a case statement. This is not true for Dynamic_Predicate.

Example #5

package Example_05 is type Day is (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday); type Week_Schedule is private with Type_Invariant => Valid (Week_Schedule); function Valid (WS : Week_Schedule) return Boolean; private type Week_Schedule is record Day_Off, Day_On_Duty : Day; end record; function Valid (WS : Week_Schedule) return Boolean is (WS.Day_Off /= WS.Day_On_Duty); end Example_05;

This code is correct. It is valid in Ada because the type invariant is not checked on entry or return from Valid. Also, function Valid is visible from the type invariant (special visibility in contracts). But it is invalid in SPARK, where private declaration cannot hold a type invariant. The reason is that the type invariant is assumed in the precondition of public functions for proof. That would lead to circular reasoning if Valid could be public.

Example #6

package Example_06 is type Day is (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday); type Week_Schedule is private; private type Week_Schedule is record Day_Off, Day_On_Duty : Day; end record with Type_Invariant => Valid (Week_Schedule); function Valid (WS : Week_Schedule) return Boolean is (WS.Day_Off /= WS.Day_On_Duty); end Example_06;

This code is correct. This version is valid in both Ada and SPARK.

Example #7

package Example_07 is subtype Sorted_String is String with Dynamic_Predicate => (for all Pos in Sorted_String'Range => Sorted_String (Pos) <= Sorted_String (Pos + 1)); subtype Unique_String is String with Dynamic_Predicate => (for all Pos1, Pos2 in Unique_String'Range => Unique_String (Pos1) /= Unique_String (Pos2)); subtype Unique_Sorted_String is String with Dynamic_Predicate => Unique_Sorted_String in Sorted_String and then Unique_Sorted_String in Unique_String; end Example_07;

This code is not correct. There are 3 problems in this code:

  • there is a run-time error on the array access in Sorted_String;

  • quantified expression defines only one variable;

  • the property in Unique_String is true only for the empty string.

Example #8

package Example_08 is subtype Sorted_String is String with Dynamic_Predicate => (for all Pos in Sorted_String'First .. Sorted_String'Last - 1 => Sorted_String (Pos) <= Sorted_String (Pos + 1)); subtype Unique_String is String with Dynamic_Predicate => (for all Pos1 in Unique_String'Range => (for all Pos2 in Unique_String'Range => (if Pos1 /= Pos2 then Unique_String (Pos1) /= Unique_String (Pos2)))); subtype Unique_Sorted_String is String with Dynamic_Predicate => Unique_Sorted_String in Sorted_String and then Unique_Sorted_String in Unique_String; end Example_08;

This code is correct. This is a correct version in Ada. For proving AoRTE in SPARK, one will need to change slightly the property of Sorted_String.

Example #9

package Example_09 is type Day is (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday); type Week_Schedule is private with Default_Initial_Condition => Valid (Week_Schedule); function Valid (WS : Week_Schedule) return Boolean; private type Week_Schedule is record Day_Off, Day_On_Duty : Day; end record; function Valid (WS : Week_Schedule) return Boolean is (WS.Day_Off /= WS.Day_On_Duty); end Example_09;

This code is not correct. The default initial condition is not satisfied.

Example #10

package Example_10 is type Day is (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday); type Week_Schedule is private with Default_Initial_Condition => Valid (Week_Schedule); function Valid (WS : Week_Schedule) return Boolean; private type Week_Schedule is record Day_Off : Day := Wednesday; Day_On_Duty : Day := Friday; end record; function Valid (WS : Week_Schedule) return Boolean is (WS.Day_Off /= WS.Day_On_Duty); end Example_10;

This code is correct. This is a correct version, which can be proved with SPARK.