
Concurrency ≠ Parallelism

  • Concurrency allows to create a well structured program

  • Parallelism allows to create a high performance program

  • Multiple cores/processors are...

    • possible for concurrent programs

    • essential to parallelism

  • What about Ada and SPARK?

    • GNAT runtimes for concurrency available on single core & multicore (for SMP platforms)

    • parallel features scheduled for inclusion in Ada and SPARK 202x

Concurrent Program Structure in Ada


The problems with concurrency

  • Control and data flow become much more complex

    • possibly nondeterministic even

    • actual behavior is one of many possible interleavings of tasks

  • Data may be corrupted by concurrent accesses

    • so called data races or race conditions

  • Control may block indefinitely, or loop indefinitely

    • so called deadlocks and livelocks

  • Scheduling and memory usage are harder to compute

Ravenscar – the Ada solution to concurrency problems

  • Ravenscar profile restricts concurrency in Ada

    • ensures deterministic behavior at every point in time

    • recommends use of protected objects to avoid data races

    • prevents deadlocks with Priority Ceiling Protocol

    • allows use of scheduling analysis techniques (RMA, RTA)

    • facilitates computation of memory usage with static tasks

  • GNAT Extended Ravenscar profile lifts some restrictions

    • still same benefits as Ravenscar profile

    • removes painful restrictions for some applications

Concurrent Program Structure in Ravenscar


Ravenscar – the SPARK solution to concurrency problems

  • Ravenscar and Extended_Ravenscar profiles supported in SPARK

  • Data races prevented by flow analysis

    • ensures no problematic concurrent access to unprotected data

    • flow analysis also ensures non-termination of tasks

  • Run-time errors prevented by proof

    • includes violations of the Priority Ceiling Protocol

Concurrency – A trivial example

package Show_Trivial_Task is type Task_Id is new Integer; task type T (Id : Task_Id); T1 : T (0); T2 : T (1); end Show_Trivial_Task;
package body Show_Trivial_Task is task body T is Current_Task : Task_Id := Id; begin loop delay 1.0; end loop; end T; end Show_Trivial_Task;
  • Id can be written by T1 and T2 at the same time

Setup for using concurrency in SPARK

  • Any unit using concurrency features (tasks, protected objects, etc.) must set the profile

pragma Profile (Ravenscar);
--  or
pragma Profile (GNAT_Extended_Ravenscar);
  • ... plus an additional pragma

    • that ensures tasks start after the end of elaboration

pragma Partition_Elaboration_Policy (Sequential);
  • ... which are checked by GNAT partition-wide

    • pragmas needed for verification even it not for compilation

Tasks in Ravenscar

  • A task can be either a singleton object or a type

    • no declarations of entries for rendez-vous

task T;
task type TT;
  • ... completed by a body

    • infinite loop to prevent termination

task body T is
   end loop;
end T;
  • Tasks are declared at library-level

  • ... as standalone objects or inside records/arrays

type TA is array (1 .. 3) of TT;
type TR is record
   A, B : TT;
end record;

Communication Between Tasks in Ravenscar

  • Tasks can communicate through protected objects

  • A protected object is either a singleton object or a type

    • all PO private data initialized by default in SPARK

package Show_Protected_Object is protected P is procedure Set (V : Natural); function Get return Natural; private The_Data : Natural := 0; end P; end Show_Protected_Object;
package body Show_Protected_Object is protected body P is procedure Set (V : Natural) is begin The_Data := V; end Set; function Get return Natural is (The_Data); end P; end Show_Protected_Object;

Protected Objects in Ravenscar

  • Protected objects are declared at library-level

  • ... as standalone objects or inside records/arrays

    • The record type needs to be volatile, as a non-volatile type cannot contain a volatile component. The array type is implicitly volatile when its component type is volatile.

package Show_Protected_Object_Ravenscar is protected type PT is procedure Set (V : Natural); function Get return Natural; private The_Data : Natural := 0; end PT; P : PT; type PAT is array (1 .. 3) of PT; PA : PAT; type PRT is record A, B : PT; end record with Volatile; PR : PRT; end Show_Protected_Object_Ravenscar;
package body Show_Protected_Object_Ravenscar is protected body PT is procedure Set (V : Natural) is begin The_Data := V; end Set; function Get return Natural is (The_Data); end PT; end Show_Protected_Object_Ravenscar;

Protected Communication with Procedures & Functions

  • CREW enforced (Concurrent-Read-Exclusive-Write)

    • procedures have exclusive read-write access to PO

    • functions have shared read-only access to PO

  • Actual mechanism depends on target platform

    • scheduler enforces policy on single core

    • locks used on multicore (using CAS instructions)

    • lock-free transactions used for simple PO (again using CAS)

  • Mechanism is transparent to user

    • user code simply calls procedures/functions

    • task may be queued until PO is released by another task

Blocking Communication with Entries

  • Only protected objects have entries in Ravenscar

  • Entry = procedure with entry guard condition

    • second level of queues, one for each entry, on a given PO

    • task may be queued until guard is True and PO is released

    • at most one entry in Ravenscar

    • guard is a Boolean component of PO in Ravenscar

package Show_Blocking_Communication is protected type PT is entry Reset; private Is_Not_Null : Boolean := False; The_Data : Integer := 1000; end PT; end Show_Blocking_Communication;
package body Show_Blocking_Communication is protected body PT is entry Reset when Is_Not_Null is begin The_Data := 0; end Reset; end PT; end Show_Blocking_Communication;

Relaxed Constraints on Entries with Extended Ravenscar

  • Proof limitations with Ravenscar

    • not possible to relate guard to other components with invariant

  • GNAT Extended Ravenscar profile lifts these constraints

    • and allows multiple tasks to call the same entry

package Show_Relaxed_Constraints_On_Entries is protected type Mailbox is entry Publish; entry Retrieve; private Num_Messages : Natural := 0; end Mailbox; end Show_Relaxed_Constraints_On_Entries;
package body Show_Relaxed_Constraints_On_Entries is Max : constant := 100; protected body Mailbox is entry Publish when Num_Messages < Max is begin Num_Messages := Num_Messages + 1; end Publish; entry Retrieve when Num_Messages > 0 is begin Num_Messages := Num_Messages - 1; end Retrieve; end Mailbox; end Show_Relaxed_Constraints_On_Entries;

Interrupt Handlers in Ravenscar

  • Interrupt handlers are parameterless procedures of PO

    • with aspect Attach_Handler specifying the corresponding signal

    • with aspect Interrupt_Priority on the PO specifying the priority

with System; use System; with Ada.Interrupts.Names; use Ada.Interrupts.Names; package Show_Interrupt_Handlers is protected P with Interrupt_Priority => System.Interrupt_Priority'First is procedure Signal with Attach_Handler => SIGHUP; end P; end Show_Interrupt_Handlers;
  • Priority of the PO should be in System.Interrupt_Priority

    • default is OK – in the range of System.Interrupt_Priority

    • checked by proof (default or value of Priority or Interrupt_Priority)

Other Communications Between Tasks in SPARK

  • Tasks must communicate through synchronized objects

    • atomic objects

    • protected objects

    • suspension objects (standard Boolean protected objects)

  • Constants are considered as synchronized

    • this includes variables constant after elaboration (specified with aspect Constant_After_Elaboration)

  • Single task or PO can access an unsynchronized object

    • exclusive relation between object and task/PO must be specified with aspect Part_Of

Data and Flow Dependencies of Tasks

  • Input/output relation can be specified for a task

    • as task never terminates, output is understood while task runs

    • task itself is both an input and an output

    • implicit In_Out => T

    • explicit dependency

package Show_Data_And_Flow_Dependencies is X, Y, Z : Integer; task T with Global => (Input => X, Output => Y, In_Out => Z), Depends => (T => T, Z => X, Y => X, null => Z); end Show_Data_And_Flow_Dependencies;

State Abstraction over Synchronized Variables

  • Synchronized objects can be abstracted in synchronized abstract state with aspect Synchronous

package Show_State_Abstraction with Abstract_State => (State with Synchronous, External) is protected type Protected_Type is procedure Reset; private Data : Natural := 0; end Protected_Type; task type Task_Type; end Show_State_Abstraction;
package body Show_State_Abstraction with Refined_State => (State => (A, P, T)) is A : Integer with Atomic, Async_Readers, Async_Writers; P : Protected_Type; T : Task_Type; protected body Protected_Type is procedure Reset is begin Data := 0; end Reset; end Protected_Type; task body Task_Type is begin P.Reset; A := 0; end Task_Type; end Show_State_Abstraction;
  • Synchronized state is a form of external state

    • Synchronous same as External => (Async_Readers, Async_Writers)

    • tasks are not volatile and can be part of regular abstract state

Synchronized Abstract State in the Standard Library

  • Standard library maintains synchronized state

    • the tasking runtime maintains state about running tasks

    • the real-time runtime maintains state about current time

package Ada.Task_Identification with
  Abstract_State =>
    (Tasking_State with Synchronous,
       External => (Async_Readers, Async_Writers)),
  Initializes    => Tasking_State

package Ada.Real_Time with
  Abstract_State =>
    (Clock_Time with Synchronous,
       External => (Async_Readers, Async_Writers)),
  Initializes    => Clock_Time
  • API of these units refer to Tasking_State and Clock_Time

Code Examples / Pitfalls

Example #1

procedure Rendezvous is task T1 is entry Start; end T1; task body T1 is begin accept Start; end T1; begin T1.Start; end Rendezvous;

This code is not correct. Task rendezvous is not allowed; violation of restriction Max_Task_Entries = 0. A local task is not allowed; violation of restriction No_Task_Hierarchy

Example #2

package Example_02 is protected P is entry Reset; end P; private Data : Boolean := False; end Example_02;
package body Example_02 is protected body P is entry Reset when Data is begin null; end Reset; end P; end Example_02;

This code is not correct. Global data in entry guard is not allowed. Violation of restriction Simple_Barriers (for Ravenscar) or Pure_Barriers (for Extended Ravenscar)

Example #3

package Example_03 is protected P is procedure Set (Value : Integer); end P; private task type TT; T1, T2 : TT; end Example_03;
package body Example_03 is Data : Integer := 0; protected body P is procedure Set (Value : Integer) is begin Data := Value; end Set; end P; task body TT is Local : Integer := 0; begin loop Local := (Local + 1) mod 100; P.Set (Local); end loop; end TT; end Example_03;

This code is not correct. Global unprotected data accessed in protected object shared between tasks

Example #4

package Example_04 is protected P is procedure Set (Value : Integer); end P; private Data : Integer := 0 with Part_Of => P; task type TT; T1, T2 : TT; end Example_04;
package body Example_04 is protected body P is procedure Set (Value : Integer) is begin Data := Value; end Set; end P; task body TT is Local : Integer := 0; begin loop Local := (Local + 1) mod 100; P.Set (Local); end loop; end TT; end Example_04;

This code is correct. Data is part of the protected object state. The only accesses to Data are through P.

Example #5

package Example_05 is protected P1 with Priority => 3 is procedure Set (Value : Integer); private Data : Integer := 0; end P1; protected P2 with Priority => 2 is procedure Set (Value : Integer); end P2; private task type TT with Priority => 1; T1, T2 : TT; end Example_05;
package body Example_05 is protected body P1 is procedure Set (Value : Integer) is begin Data := Value; end Set; end P1; protected body P2 is procedure Set (Value : Integer) is begin P1.Set (Value); end Set; end P2; task body TT is Local : constant Integer := 0; begin loop P2.Set (Local); end loop; end TT; end Example_05;

This code is correct. Ceiling_Priority policy is respected. Task never accesses a protected object with lower priority than its active priority. Note that PO can call procedure or function from another PO, but not an entry (possibly blocking).

Example #6

package Example_06 is protected type Mailbox is entry Publish; entry Retrieve; private Not_Empty : Boolean := True; Not_Full : Boolean := False; Num_Messages : Natural := 0; end Mailbox; end Example_06;
package body Example_06 is Max : constant := 100; protected body Mailbox is entry Publish when Not_Full is begin Num_Messages := Num_Messages + 1; Not_Empty := True; if Num_Messages = Max then Not_Full := False; end if; end Publish; entry Retrieve when Not_Empty is begin Num_Messages := Num_Messages - 1; Not_Full := True; if Num_Messages = 0 then Not_Empty := False; end if; end Retrieve; end Mailbox; end Example_06;

This code is not correct. Integer range cannot be proved correct.

Example #7

package Example_07 is protected type Mailbox is entry Publish; entry Retrieve; private Num_Messages : Natural := 0; end Mailbox; end Example_07;
package body Example_07 is Max : constant := 100; protected body Mailbox is entry Publish when Num_Messages < Max is begin Num_Messages := Num_Messages + 1; end Publish; entry Retrieve when Num_Messages > 0 is begin Num_Messages := Num_Messages - 1; end Retrieve; end Mailbox; end Example_07;

This code is correct. Precise range obtained from entry guards allows to prove checks.

Example #8

package Example_08 is Max : constant := 100; type Content is record Not_Empty : Boolean := False; Not_Full : Boolean := True; Num_Messages : Natural := 0; end record with Predicate => Num_Messages in 0 .. Max and Not_Empty = (Num_Messages > 0) and Not_Full = (Num_Messages < Max); protected type Mailbox is entry Publish; entry Retrieve; private C : Content; end Mailbox; end Example_08;
package body Example_08 is protected body Mailbox is entry Publish when C.Not_Full is Not_Full : Boolean := C.Not_Full; Num_Messages : Natural := C.Num_Messages; begin Num_Messages := Num_Messages + 1; if Num_Messages = Max then Not_Full := False; end if; C := (True, Not_Full, Num_Messages); end Publish; entry Retrieve when C.Not_Empty is Not_Empty : Boolean := C.Not_Empty; Num_Messages : Natural := C.Num_Messages; begin Num_Messages := Num_Messages - 1; if Num_Messages = 0 then Not_Empty := False; end if; C := (Not_Empty, True, Num_Messages); end Retrieve; end Mailbox; end Example_08;

This code is correct. Precise range obtained from predicate allows to prove checks. Predicate is preserved.

Example #9

--% src_file: --% cflags: -gnaty --% make_flags: -gnaty -gnata package Example_09 is package Service with Abstract_State => (State with External) is procedure Extract (Data : out Integer) with Global => (In_Out => State); end Service; private task type T; T1, T2 : T; end Example_09;
package body Example_09 is package body Service with Refined_State => (State => Extracted) is Local_Data : constant Integer := 100; Extracted : Boolean := False; procedure Extract (Data : out Integer) is begin if not Extracted then Data := Local_Data; Extracted := True; else Data := Integer'First; end if; end Extract; end Service; task body T is X : Integer; begin loop Service.Extract (X); end loop; end T; end Example_09;

This code is not correct. Unsynchronized state cannot be accessed from multiple tasks or protected objects.

Example #10

package Example_10 is package Service with Abstract_State => (State with Synchronous, External) is procedure Extract (Data : out Integer) with Global => (In_Out => State); private protected type Service_Extracted is procedure Set; function Get return Boolean; private Extracted : Boolean := False; end Service_Extracted; end Service; private task type T; T1, T2 : T; end Example_10;
package body Example_10 is package body Service with Refined_State => (State => Extracted) is Local_Data : constant Integer := 100; Extracted : Service_Extracted; protected body Service_Extracted is procedure Set is begin Extracted := True; end Set; function Get return Boolean is (Extracted); end Service_Extracted; procedure Extract (Data : out Integer) is Is_Extracted : constant Boolean := Extracted.Get; begin if not Is_Extracted then Data := Local_Data; Extracted.Set; else Data := Integer'First; end if; end Extract; end Service; task body T is X : Integer; begin loop Service.Extract (X); end loop; end T; end Example_10;

This code is correct. Abstract state is synchronized, hence can be accessed from multiple tasks and protected objects.