Using Building Blocks to Express Inheritance Idioms
Betrand Meyer's magisterial book on OOP [1] includes a taxonomy of inheritance idioms. Two especially well-known entries in that taxonomy are Subtype Inheritance and Implementation Inheritance. The name of the first idiom is perhaps confusing from an Ada point of view because Ada subtypes have a different meaning. In Ada terms we are talking about derived types. A derived type is a new, distinct type based on (i.e., derived from) some existing type. We will informally refer to the existing ancestor type as the parent type, and the new type as the child type. The term Subtype in the idiom name refers to the child type.
Subtype Inheritance is the most well-known idiom for inheritance because it's based on the notion of a taxonomy, in which categories and disjoint subcategories are identified. For example, we can say that dogs, cats, and dolphins are mammals, and that all mammals are animals:
By saying that the subcategories are disjoint we mean that, for example, dogs are neither cats nor dolphins and cannot be treated as if they are.
In software, we use various constructs to represent the categories and subcategories and use inheritance to organize them. As mentioned above, in Ada, we express that inheritance via derived types representing the categories and subcategories. Ada's strong typing ensures they are treated as disjoint entities.
Although the derived child type is distinct from the parent type, the child is the same kind as the parent type. Some authors use kind of as the name for the relationship between the child and parent. Meyer uses the term is-a [1], a popular term that we will use too. For example, a cat is a mammal, and also is an animal.
The fundamental difference between Subtype Inheritance and Implementation Inheritance is whether clients have compile-time visibility to the is-a relationship between the parent and child types. The relationship exists in both idioms but is only visible to clients in one. In Subtype Inheritance, clients do have compile-time visibility to the relationship, while in Implementation Inheritance, clients don't have that visibility.
Consequently, with Subtype Inheritance, all of the inherited operations become part of the child type's visible interface. In contrast, with Implementation Inheritance, none of those parent capabilities are part of the visible interface: the inherited parent capabilities are only available internally, to implement the child type's representation and its primitive operations.
Building Blocks
Ada uses distinct building block constructs to compose types that have specific characteristics and capabilities. In particular, Ada packages, with their control over compile-time visibility, are modules. Private types are combined with packages to define abstract data types having hidden representations. Sets of related types are presented explicitly by class-wide types.
In addition, simple reserved words may be attached to a type declaration to refine or expand the capabilities of the type. These type declarations include declarations for derived types, providing considerable flexibility and expressive power for controlling the client's view of the child and parent types.
For example, in Ada, full dynamic OOP capabilities require type declarations to
be decorated with the reserved word tagged
. However, from its earliest days,
Ada has also supported a static form of inheritance, using types that are not
tagged. The implementation we describe below works with both forms of inheritance.
The developer also has a choice of whether the parent type and/or the child type is a private type. Using private types is the default design choice, for the sake of designing in terms of abstract data types, but is nevertheless optional.
In addition, a type can be both private and tagged. This possibility raises the question of whether the type is visibly tagged, i.e., whether the client view of the type includes the tagged characteristic, and hence the corresponding capabilities. Recall that a private type is declared in two steps: the first part occurs in the visible part of the package and introduces the type name to clients. The second part — the type completion — appears in the package private part and specifies the type's actual representation. The question arises because the first step, i.e., the declaration in the package's visible part, need not be tagged, yet can be tagged in the completion in the package private part. For example:
package P is
type Foo is private; -- not visibly tagged for clients
-- operations on type Foo
type Foo is tagged record -- tagged completion
end record;
end P;
In the above, Foo
is not visibly tagged except in the package private
part and the package body. As a consequence, the capabilities of tagged types
are not available to clients using type Foo
. Clients cannot refer to
, for example. (The opposite arrangement — tagged in the
visible client view but not actually tagged in the private view — is not
legal, because clients would be promised capabilities that are not actually
When the parent type is tagged, the type derivation syntax for the child is a type extension declaration that introduces the child type's name, specifies the parent type, and then extends the parent representation with child-specific record components, if any. For example:
type Child is new Parent with record ... end record;
Even though the child type declaration does not include the reserved word
the child will be a tagged type because the parent type is tagged.
The compiler would not allow the extension construct for a non-tagged parent
Just as a private type can be visibly tagged or not, a private type can be
visibly derived or not. When it is visibly derived, clients have a view of the
private type that includes the fact of the derivation from the parent type.
Otherwise, clients have no view of the parent type. Whether or not the child is
visibly derived, the representation is not compile-time visible to clients, as
for any private type. For example, type Foo
is not visibly derived in the
package P is
type Foo is tagged private; -- visibly tagged but not visibly derived
-- ...
end P;
To be visibly derived, we declare the child type as a private type using a private extension. A private extension is like a type extension, in that it introduces the child type name and the parent type. But like any private type declaration, it does not specify the type's representation. This is the first of the two steps for declaring a private type; hence it appears in the package visible part. For example:
with ...
package P is
type Child is new Parent with private; -- visibly derived from Parent
type Child is new Parent with record ... end record;
end P;
The representation additions are not expressed until the private type's completion in the package private part, using a type extension. The steps are the same two for any private type: a declaration in the package visible part, with a completion in the package private part. The difference is the client visibility to the parent type.
There are two implementations presented, one for each of the two inheritance idioms under discussion. First, we will specify our building block choices, then show the two idiom expressions in separate subsections.
We use tagged types for the sake of providing full OOP capabilities. That is the most common choice when inheritance is involved. The static form of inheritance has cases in which it is useful, but those cases are very narrow in applicability.
We assume that the parent type and the child type are both private types, i.e., abstract data types, because that is the best practice. See the Abstract Data Type idiom for justification and details.
To provide the most general capabilities, we assume the parent type is visibly tagged.
We're going to declare the child type in a distinct, dedicated package, following the ADT idiom. This package may or may not be a child of the parent package. This implementation's approach does not require a child package's special compile-time visibility, although a child package is often necessary for the sake of that visibility.
Whether the child type is visibly derived will vary with the inheritance idiom implementation.
To avoid unnecessary code duplication, we use
the same parent type, declared as a simple tagged private type, in the examples
for the two idiom implementations. The parent type
could itself be derived from some other tagged type, but that changes nothing
conceptually significant. We declare parent type in package P
package P is
type Parent is tagged private; -- visibly tagged
-- primitive operations with type Parent as the
-- controlling formal parameter
type Parent is tagged record ... end record;
end P;
Subtype Inheritance
Recall that Subtype Inheritance requires clients to have compile-time visibility to the is-a relationship between the child and parent types. We can satisfy that requirement if we make the child visibly derived from the parent. Hence we declare the private type as a private extension in the visible part of the package:
with P; use P;
package Q is
type Child is new Parent with private;
-- implicit, inherited primitive Parent operations declared here,
-- now for type Child
-- additional primitives for Child explicitly declared, if any
type Child is new Parent with record ... end record;
end Q;
The primitive operations from the parent type are implicitly declared immediately after the private extension declaration. That means those operations are in the visible part of the package, hence clients can invoke them. Any additional operations for the client interface will be explicitly declared in the visible part as well, as will any overriding declarations for those inherited operations that are to be changed.
For example, here is a basic bank account ADT that we will use as the parent type in a derivation:
with Ada.Strings.Unbounded; use Ada.Strings.Unbounded; with Ada.Containers.Doubly_Linked_Lists; package Bank is type Basic_Account is tagged private with Type_Invariant'Class => Consistent_Balance (Basic_Account); function Consistent_Balance (This : Basic_Account) return Boolean; type Currency is delta 0.01 digits 12; procedure Deposit (This : in out Basic_Account; Amount : Currency) with Pre'Class => Open (This) and Amount > 0.0, Post'Class => Balance (This) = Balance (This)'Old + Amount; procedure Withdraw (This : in out Basic_Account; Amount : Currency) with Pre'Class => Open (This) and Funds_Available (This, Amount), Post'Class => Balance (This) = Balance (This)'Old - Amount; function Balance (This : Basic_Account) return Currency with Pre'Class => Open (This); procedure Report_Transactions (This : Basic_Account) with Pre'Class => Open (This); procedure Report (This : Basic_Account) with Pre'Class => Open (This); function Open (This : Basic_Account) return Boolean; procedure Open (This : in out Basic_Account; Name : String; Initial_Deposit : Currency) with Pre'Class => not Open (This), Post'Class => Open (This); function Funds_Available (This : Basic_Account; Amount : Currency) return Boolean is (Amount > 0.0 and then Balance (This) >= Amount) with Pre'Class => Open (This); private package Transactions is new Ada.Containers.Doubly_Linked_Lists (Element_Type => Currency); type Basic_Account is tagged record Owner : Unbounded_String; Current_Balance : Currency := 0.0; Withdrawals : Transactions.List; Deposits : Transactions.List; end record; function Total (This : Transactions.List) return Currency is (This'Reduce ("+", 0.0)); end Bank;
We could then declare an interest-bearing bank account using Subtype Inheritance:
package Bank.Interest_Bearing is type Account is new Basic_Account with private; overriding function Consistent_Balance (This : Account) return Boolean; function Minimum_Balance (This : Account) return Currency; overriding procedure Open (This : in out Account; Name : String; Initial_Deposit : Currency) with Pre => Initial_Deposit >= Minimum_Balance (This); overriding procedure Withdraw (This : in out Account; Amount : Currency); function Penalties_Accrued (This : Account) return Currency; function Interest_Accrued (This : Account) return Currency; private type Account is new Basic_Account with record Penalties : Transactions.List; Interest_Earned : Transactions.List; Days_Under_Minimum : Natural := 0; end record; end Bank.Interest_Bearing;
The new type Bank.Interest_Bearing.Account
inherits all the
operations in the package visible part. They are,
therefore, available to clients. Some of those inherited operations are
overridden so that their behavior can be changed. Additional operations
specific to the new type are also declared in the visible part so they are
added to the client API.
The package private part and the body of package Bank.Interest_Bearing
have visibility to the private part of package Bank
because the new
package is a child of package Bank
. That makes the private
function Bank.Total
visible in the child package, along with the
components of the record type Basic_Account
Note that there is no language requirement that the actual parent type in the private type's completion be the one named in the private extension declaration presented to clients. The parent type in the completion must only be in the same derivation class — be the same kind of type — so that it satisfies the is-a relationship stated to clients.
For example, we could start with a basic graphics shape:
package Graphics is
type Shape is tagged private;
-- operations for type Shape ...
end Graphics;
We could then declare a subcategory of Shape
that allows translation in
some 2-D space:
package Graphics.Translatable is
type Translatable_Shape is new Graphics.Shape with private;
procedure Translate (This : in out Translatable_Shape; X, Y : in Float);
end Graphics.Translatable;
Given that, we could now declare another type visibly derived from Shape
but using Translatable_Shape
as the actual parent type:
with Graphics;
private with Graphics.Translatable;
package Geometry is
type Circle is new Graphics.Shape with private;
-- operations for type Circle, inherited from Shape,
-- and any new ops added ...
use Graphics.Translatable;
type Circle is new Translatable_Shape with record ... end record;
end Geometry;
In the type extension that completes type Circle
in the package private
part above, the extended parent type is not the one presented to clients, i.e.,
. Instead, the parent type is another type that is derived
from type Shape
. That substitution is legal and reasonable because
necessarily can do anything that Shape
can do.
To understand why that is legal, it is helpful to imagine that there is a
contract between the package public part and the private part regarding type
. As long as Circle
can do everything promised to clients
— i.e., inherited Shape
operations — the contract is
fulfilled. Circle
inherits Shape
operations because
inherits those operations. The fact that Circle
can do more than is contractually required by the client view is perfectly fine.
Implementation Inheritance
Recall that with Implementation Inheritance clients do not have compile-time visibility to the is-a relationship between the parent and child types. We meet that requirement by not making the child visibly derived from the parent. Therefore, we declare the child type as a simple tagged private type and only mention the parent in the child type's completion in the package private part:
with P; use P;
package Q is
type Child is tagged private;
-- explicitly declared primitives for Child
type Child is new Parent with record ...
-- implicit, inherited primitive operations with type Child
-- as the controlling formal parameter
end Q;
The primitive operations from the parent type are implicitly declared immediately after the type extension, but these declarations are now located in the package private part. Therefore, the inherited primitive operations are not compile-time visible to clients. Hence clients cannot invoke them. These operations are only visible (after the type completion) in the package private part and the package body, for use with the implementation of the explicitly declared primitive operations.
For example, we might use a controlled type in the implementation of a
tagged private type. These types have procedures Initialize
defined as primitive operations. Both are called automatically
by the compiler. Clients generally don't have any business directly calling
them so we usually use implementation inheritance with controlled types. But if
clients did have the need to call them we
would use Subtype Inheritance instead, to make them visible to clients.
For example, the following is a generic package providing an abstract data type
for unbounded queues. As such, the Queue
type uses dynamic allocation
internally. This specific version automatically reclaims the allocated storage
when objects of the Queue
type cease to exist:
with Ada.Finalization; generic type Element is private; package Unbounded_Sequential_Queues is type Queue is tagged limited private; procedure Insert (Into : in out Queue; Item : Element) with Post => not Empty (Into) and Extent (Into) = Extent (Into)'Old + 1; -- may propagate Storage_Error procedure Remove (From : in out Queue; Item : out Element) with Pre => not Empty (From), Post => Extent (From) = Natural'Max (0, Extent (From)'Old - 1); procedure Reset (This : in out Queue) with Post => Empty (This) and Extent (This) = 0; function Extent (This : Queue) return Natural; function Empty (This : Queue) return Boolean; private type Node; type Link is access Node; type Node is record Data : Element; Next : Link; end record; type Queue is new Ada.Finalization.Limited_Controlled with record Count : Natural := 0; Rear : Link; Front : Link; end record; overriding procedure Finalize (This : in out Queue) renames Reset; end Unbounded_Sequential_Queues;
The basic operation of assignment usually does not make sense for an abstraction represented as a linked list, so we declare the private type as limited, in addition to tagged and private, and then use the language-defined limited controlled type for the type extension completion in the private part.
Procedures Initialize
and Finalize
are inherited immediately after
the type extension. Both are null procedures that do nothing. We can leave
as-is because initialization is already accomplished via the
default values for the Queue
components. On the other hand, we want
finalization to reclaim all allocated storage so we cannot leave
as a null procedure. By overriding the procedure, we can change
the implementation. That change is usually accomplished by placing the
corresponding procedure body in the package body. However, in this case we have
an existing procedure named Reset
that is part of the visible (client)
API. Reset
does exactly what we want Finalize
to do, so we
implement the overridden Finalize
by saying that it is just another name
for Reset
. No completion body for Finalize
is then required or
allowed. This approach has the same semantics as if we explicitly wrote a
body for Finalize
that simply called Reset
, but this is more succinct.
Clients can call Reset
they want, but the procedure will also be called automatically, via
, when any Queue
object ceases to exist.
The two idioms are easily composed simply by controlling where in the enclosing package the parent type is mentioned: either in the declaration of the private child type in the package visible part or in the child type's completion in the package private type.
Although the inheritance expressions are simple by themselves, the many ancillary design choices can make the design effort seem more complicated than it really is.
Relationship With Other Idioms
We assume the Abstract Data Type idiom, so we are using private types throughout. That includes the child type, and, as we saw, allows us to control the compile-time visibility to the parent type.